Table of Contents

Checklist Configuration

Checklist Configuration section allows activating an option to connect and send checklist item emails.

This section can be accessed in the 'Admin' panel by clicking on the 'Checklist Configuration' icon:

Checklist Configuration view

The 'Checklist Configurations' page contains the following options:

'Checklist Configuration' main view
  1. Search - option to quickly search for the specific checklist item
  2. FILTER - option to filter checklist items list by:
    • Type - filtering by group of the Checklist: OPS, Sales, or All (default value)
    • Attach to - filtering by type of the element of the checklist: assigned to a flight or a trip, or displaying All the elements (default value)
  3. SECTIONS ORDER - option that allows selecting the order of subsections in the OPS Checklist. More information below
  4. Checklist items table divided into following columns:
    • Label - checklist item name
    • Description - option to insert a full description of the item. Once inserted, it will be available in the checklist when hovering over the ? next to the item name
    • Checklist Section - a subsection of the checklist where an item is placed
    • Attach to - indicates whether it is an item assigned to a single flight or the whole trip
    • Sales/OPS - indicates whether it is an OPS or Sales Checklist item
    • Visible on Crew App - contains following settings options:
      • - item visible in Crew App
      • - item not available in the Crew App
      • - notifications not active in the Crew App. Changes in the checklist items, such as status change, new/deleted note, uploaded/removed file, will not trigger the push notification. Option available if the visibility icon is set to
      • - notifications active in the Crew App
    • Auto add to leg - option to mark the default checklist items. This option has been moved across from the 'Flight Editing' section. If it's ticked, the item will be automatically added if the condition set in CQL is met
    • CQL - Checklist Query Language - it allows to define a condition for adding the item automatically to the checklist
    • Due Dates - possibility to configure the 'Request Due Date' and the 'Completion Due Date' for selected checklist items at selected airports
    • Requesting - activating/deactivating the checklist email configuration:
      • - accessing the Checklist email configuration
      • - deleting the existing Checklist email configuration
      • Empty - checklist item email configured by default
    • Status reset rules - possibility to select the items of the schedule that trigger the change of the checklist item status
    • Links - an option to add URL links to selected items


Changing the order of the OPS Checklist subsection

It is possible to change the OPS Checklist sections order from the default to custom.

This can be done using the following steps:

Once the changes are saved, the order of the checklist will switch to the custom, selected order, as per the below example:

Checklist item description

Adding checklist item description

It is possible to add a Checklist item description that appears by the item in the Checklist.

In order to add the description you need to:

  1. Click in the 'Description' column next to the checklist item
  2. Add the description
  3. Save changes

Once the description is added, the icon appears in the Checklist, next to the item status.

Hovering the mouse over the icon displays the tooltip with the description

CQL (Checklist Query Language)

CQL is a simple but very expressive language for defining conditions that determine when particular checklist items are to be applied. It allows the translation of the operator's internal knowledge and operational needs into simple rules by specifying all actions (checklist items) needed to be done before a flight with certain attributes.

CQL condition edit pop-up window

The 'CQL' column will show the current status of the conditions for adding the items to the checklist automatically. There are three possibilities:

By clicking the field in the column, you will get an 'Edit CQL' window, in which you can:

Due Dates

The 'Due Dates' feature is available on request for testing. To have it activated, please contact Leon Support

The 'Due Dates' option gives a possibility to configure the 'Request Due Date' and the 'Completion Due Date' for selected checklist items for selected countries or at selected airports.

' Due Dates' Configuration

The 'Due Dates' section is divided to 3 tabs:


Below, is an example of the configuration based on the specific Airports.

In order to configure 'Due Dates' you need to follow the below process:

'Due Dates' configuration window

Clicking on the will allow editing the settings.

How it works

Once the 'Due Dates' are configured, the clock icon becomes available in the OPS sections. It is located in the top bar of the OPS section, next to the 'Message Center' icon:

'Due dates' pop-up window in OPS section

Clicking on this icon opens the 'Due Dates' pop-up window that contains:

The items are included in the list based on the 'Due Dates' configuration and the status in the checklist.


Below there are 2 examples presented:

Item requested

Once the checklist item is requested, the status in the 'Due date' pop-up window changes to the relevant status for this item. In case of the 'Handling (ADEP)' item the status is 'Requested'.

Additionally, the 'Request due date' is removed.

Item confirmed

Once the checklist item is confirmed, the item is removed from the 'Due Dates' pop-up window.

Configuring emails

The checklist item emailing option can be configured by accessing the 'Edit Email Configuration' window via icon in the 'Requesting' column.

'Edit Email Configuration' window

The 'Email Edit Configuration' window contains the following:

The SAVE button allows saving the 'Checklist Configuration' settings.

Once it is saved, the REQUEST button will appear in the Checklist, next to the item status. The status of the item will change to the selected one in the configuration:

Status reset rules

Click on the gear icon to set up which changes should trigger selected checklist item's status will turn to red '?'

Items 'Start time' & 'End time' are editable (when checkbox is marked) - it is possible to define number of minutes where Leon should not change item's status.

For example, if 00:30 is inserted into 'Start time' item, if STD of the flight is changed by less than 00:30 - Leon will not change item's status.

A new functionality LINKS has been implemented in the section Checklist Configuration section.

URL Links

To activate it, go to the ADMIN panel section 'Checklist Configuration' section, and choose a checklist item where you would like to add a URL link.

In the pop-up window, insert the name of the link in the label field and paste the URL link in the designated field. You can add multiple links several using the + icon.

After saving, the link will be visible in the OPS module within the checklist section. The link will be active.