Table of Contents

Country Database

Country Database section contains 2 tabs:


The OVERFLIGHT PERMITS tab allows setting up the rules per country depending on:

Country database window

It also allows assigning a default email address per airport.

Using the settings for overflight permits

Overflight permits showing data from Country Database

The settings from the Country Database are taken into account when creating a country list for overflight permits. The requirement is displayed in the 'Required' column of the 'Permit' pop-up window in OPS.


The LANDING PERMITS option works in the same way as OVERFLIGHTS PERMITS - it has the same items to be defined and in OPS it also works in the same way.


'Country Database' - 'MISC/OTHER' tab

Usage of FAOC

The usage of foreign AOC is as follows:

Once the abovementioned is set up, any flight that is scheduled to fly to the country listed in the aircraft profile triggers the 'Foreign AOC' element in the OPS Checklist. This is subject to the CQL used within the checklist item configuration ('destination_country_foreign_aoc' field in CQL)