CO2 Emission

Report 'CO2 Emission' - total CO2 emission based on fuel consumption input in JL

With this report you can check the CO2 emission of your entire fleet or particular aircraft.

The 1st part of the report shows information such as:

The 2nd part of the report shows as follows:

Flights that are not taken into consideration in the CO2 Emission report will be crossed out. The reason indicated in the EU ETS Annex I exceptions column.

CO2 report for flights outside EU

CO2 Emission report for flights outside EU

It is possible to create CO2 report for flights outside EU in a report Wizard.

When creating CO2 Emission report via WIZARD report, select appropriate columns in the left filter, such as: CO2 emission, Fuel used, Date, Registration and ADEP/ADES.

Once the report is created, click the filter icon and add EU ETS Exception filter selected as 'YES' - Leon will show only flights outside EU.

If you want a report for EU flights only, select an option 'NO' in the filter. You can also use a filter option Europe traffic filter where there are 5 options available:

  1. Inside EU - both ADEP & ADES must be within EU borders.
  2. Both airports outside EU - both ADEP & ADES must outside EU borders.
  3. EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) - flights with EU ETS selected in the Journey Log (if JL item 'EU ETS Exceptions' is added to JL from Settings > Flight Editing section).
  4. Inside geographic Europe - both ADEP & ADES must be within geographic Europe borders.
  5. Only inside EU (ETS directive - without CR ↔ CR) - flights inside EU apart those within Croatia.

By not selecting the filter Leon will show CO2 Emission report for all flights added to Leon.

These calculations of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are simplified and do not secure an automatic compliance with the requirements of the EU ETS and must be verified by an accredited auditor. If you would like to learn more please contact our support: