Table of Contents

Mobile application

Downloading & Logging in

Before you can start using Leon on your iPhone, you need to install it from App Store. Currently it is available from Android Play Store as Leon Beta. Soon to be available to Apple devices.

Once it's done, click on Leon icon in order to bring up login page.

Once logged in, it is advised to go to Filter settings and mark the sections that you want to see on the Duties page.

Both Menu Panel and Filter panel are based at the top of Duties page.

Filter Panel

By clicking on the loupe-icon you will get a Filter window. The window is divided into 2 sections:

By clicking on 3 horizontal you will get a Menu window. This window will give you general information such as logged in user and operator as well as:

Viewing duties

Select appropriate period of time and by clicking on the particular square you can view your duty.

The meaning of markings on each calendar day are as follows:

1 - day of the month.

2 - duty symbol. This will appear exectly in the same way as in the 'Crew Duty' roster view in Leon.

3 - bar indicating day od the duty displayed below the calendar. Green color of the bar indicates the day we are currently looking at and the grey color of the bar indicates current date. Both bars are only displayed if the day we are looking at is different from current date.

4 - the colour of the cell reflects the kind of fleet activity on that day - it's top priority information. If there is any single confirmed flight for selected fleet, the strip will be light green. If there are no confirmed flights but not confirmed flights are present, this activity is next in the display priority. The same logic applies to the following colours: maintenance not confirmed (light red), confirmed (red), aircraft reserved by sales (orange), aircraft blocked as no crew available (purple), option (yellow). It corresponds to the colours displayed on the calendar view in the main application.

5 - main activity symbol - appears if the logged-in user is scheduled as a crew member for any flight on that day, according to the filter settings. The same applies to positioning (bus icon) or office work (computer icon). Only one icon is displayed. If there are multiple activities, the most important one is displayed in the followingg order: flight, positioning, office work.

Duty page display

Below the calendar there will be displayed duty details, such as:

Flights performed more than 1 month from the present day are not available in the mobile application

Apart from viewing flights, you can also see details of all kinds of aircraft reservations.

Below is an example of a scheduled maintenance assigned to a given aircraft. Maintenance is displayed in red, so is the belt below the calendar.

Details you can see contain:

Legs Info

To view 'Legs Info' details click on the particular flight below the calendar. A new window will show up with available legs info sections (handling, ops, pax, etc.).

To check some section's details that have been added by Ops department as text in 'Legs Info', simply click on it and the information will appear.