Table of Contents

Changes in SALES checklist

We have analized SALES checklist and decided to make some changes which, we believe, have made this section more transparent and clear.

We have re-arranged item's Invoice statuses and added a new item Payments to the checklist SALES.


Some statuses have been moved to the item 'Payments' (CC RES, Cc Charged, Payment received). 3 statuses have been deleted (Sent, Requested, Deposit). Status 'Proforma sent' has its colour changed from yellow to green. Statuses 'Invoice sent', 'Approved' and 'Invoice requested' have been added as new ones.

The applicable statuses and their colours in this item are as below:


This new item has been added to separate typical 'Invoice' statuses from those that are closely related to 'Payments'

Statuses of this new item are as below: