FTL Reports changes

Duty type displayed in FTL Sheet report

We have implemented a couple of changes in FTL Sheet & FTL Violations reports.

Duty type

Whether it is a flight, positioning or the office duty assigned to crew, Leon will show a duty type in brackets, i.e.: WAW-MAN (flight) or NCE-MRS (positioning)

The same applies to duties added in the duty roster, i.e.: NCE (Standby Airport) or GVA (Available)

Commander's Discretion

If Commander's Discretion has been marked in the Journey Log, Leon shows time of the extension used in FTL Reports in a column CD as well as + mark next to the actual FDP.

Commander's Discretion FDP extension no longer shows as FTL Violation in both FTL Sheet & FTL Violation. If you wish to have it displayed as FTL Violation in both reports, please contact support@leonsoftware.com