
DeliSky integration

DeliSky is a leading provider of VIP in-flight catering services to private & business jet operators and flight attendants around the world.

The catering services provided through a network of premium catering partners entail the finest cuisine at the highest standards and an efficient online order system for a convenient order process.

For more information, please visit DeliSky Official Website.

How to integrate

In order to integrate with DeliSky you need to contact DeliSky support at and request Login and User Key details. Once you have these, switch the status to 'ACTIVE', insert provided integration details and save changes. Once saved, you can start ordering your Catering with Delisky via Checklist in Leon.

How it works

Caterer selection window in DeliSky

The integration allows you to place an order with DeliSky via checklist in Leon. A link will be available next to the CATERING item in section PAX. Clicking on the link will transfer you to DeliSky page.

If DeliSky provide catering service at the chosen Airport you will be provided with Caterer selection page. Clicking on 'Order from menu' button will allow you to submit the catering order.

You can also use 'Free text order' option to arrange the catering. This option will allow you to type in your order. The rest of the details such as delivery date, Flight details, etc, will be imported from Leon.

If there is no DeliSky service you will be presented with 'Airport not found' message at ordering page.

If you are not integrated you will see the following message: 'You are not integrated with DeliSky. Please contact your Administrator in order to activate the integration.'