Table of Contents

Checklist Configuration

Checklist Configuration section allows activating an option to connect and send checklist item emails.

This section can be accessed in the 'Admin' panel by clicking on the 'Checklist Configuration' icon:

Checklist Configuration view

The 'Checklist Configurations' page contains the following options:

'Checklist Configuration' main view
  1. Search - option to quickly search for the specific checklist item
  2. Include sales checklist statuses into overall trip status
  3. Checklist items table divided into following columns:
    • Label - checklist item name
    • Checklist Section - a subsection of the checklist where an item is placed
    • Attach to - indicates whether it is an item assigned to a single flight or the whole trip
    • Sales/OPS - indicates whether it is an OPS or Sales Checklist item
    • Visible on Crew App - option to mark which item should be available to Crew in the Crew App
    • Enabled - option to mark the default checklist items. This option has been moved across from the 'Flight Editing' section
    • Requesting - activating/deactivating the checklist email configuration:
      • - accessing the Checklist email configuration
      • - deleting the existing Checklist email configuration
      • Empty - checklist item email configured by default

Configuring emails

The checklist item emailing option can be configured by accessing the 'Edit Email Configuration' window via icon in the 'Requesting' column.

'Edit Email Configuration' window

The 'Email Edit Configuration' window contains the following:

The SEND button allows saving the 'Checklist Configuration' settings.

Once it is saved, the REQUEST button will appear in the Checklist, next to the item status. The status of the item will change to the selected one in the configuration: