Documents in CrewBriefing

Files uploaded in CrewBriefing

We have improved the logic behind uploading the documents to the CrewBriefing.

When sending documents to PPS you have an option between doing it for First Flight or Per Flight.

There are few scenarios possible of sending the documents to CrewBriefing:

After the documents are sent, in CrewBriefing, apart from the document type name, additionally, there is the routing indicated in the file name in CrewBriefing.

Re-sending documents from Leon to PPS Crew Briefing will result in updating them also on CrewBriefing's side. This also applies to the documents that are sent to First Flight and then resent Per Flight - duplicates will be replaced according to the option selected. In CrewBriefing, if a document has not been resent it will not be overwritten, i.e. sending the Flight Order and GenDec initially and then resending the GenDec, CrewBriefing will keep the original Flight Order untouched. Analogically, it works in a similar way with the flights.
It is advised to send the documents using either First Flight or Per Flight.