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Avinode configuration panel

Avinode is the world’s largest online Marketplace for buying and selling private air charter.

The integration allows downloading quotes from Avinode into the section Requests/Quotes, exporting aircraft availability and empty legs to Avinode, including options and opportunities.

How to integrate

Before enabling this option you need to contact and request a special 'Authorization key' (it is a different key to the one you use to log in to Avinode software).

Once you have received it, click a button ENABLE and in a section 'Configuration' click ON, insert the Authorization key provided by Avinode and mark which aircraft schedule should be sent to Avinode.

You can also define additional settings, such as:

  • Download requests for quotes - enable automatic downloads of the quote requests into Requests/Quotes section.
getting-started-brokers/avinode-integration.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/26 13:26 by wziemkiewicz