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DocuSign integration panel
This integration is currently free of charge however it will change in the future. Leon will charge Clients for this integration and it is due to DocuSign charging policy for using their API. We will notify the Clients using this integration in advance.

DocuSign helps companies and individuals go fully digital. DocuSign is an easy-to-use digital transaction platform that lets users send, sign and manage legally binding documents securely in the cloud.

Integration with Leon allows sending and signing contracts generated using Sales Module via DocuSign.

How to integrate

It is mandatory to have an active account with Docusign.

First step is to contact and we will activate the integration for the operator in the configuration tab.

Once the operator is connected, each User connects ones account to the account in DocuSign via Requests/Quotes Panel.

More information about connecting a user as well as usage of the integration is explained in Requests/Quotes Panel

getting-started-brokers/docusign-integration.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:07 (external edit)