Documents Manager panel allows managing and customizing documents available in Leon, such as: Flight Quotation, Charter Agreement, Invoice, Credit Note, Flight Brief.
The list of pre-defined documents is constantly expanded to cover all documents in Leon. It is also possible to create completely new custom document apart from those pre-defined in Leon.
The main page shows 3 filtering options: by document type, language and publishing status, as well as 5 columns:
Filter work immediately after selecting the value. To disable the filter just click the black arrow in the filter bar.
It is possible to manually change the document's version name by hovering a mouse over it and typing a new one -
In order to create a new document click button. In a pop-up window select the desired document type, then select one of the available templates from which a new document will be created. Some documents have more than just one template prepared by Leon based on operators experiences - choose the most suitable template for your needs. To preview a selected template click on the document icon next to the template field bar. Finally, enter the version name - it will help to recognize the document in the OPS section, if more than one document of the same type is published. Saving data will create a new document based on the selected template.
When uploading a new Flight Order template (use button again) Leon gives a choice between 2 different Flight Order templates.
Click on the icon to view which version you prefer.
To publish a document which has been re-arranged you just need to click on the white dot which will turn green when a document is successfully published.
Such a published document can be used in a section OPS (right-click with the mouse over the trip).
Unpublishing documents works exactly in the same way - the green dot turns white and Leon shows a message in top-right corner: “Template successfully unpublished!”.
It is possible to publish multiple versions of the same document type. All of them will appear in the main Documents Manager page as well as in OPS documents list and can be recognized by the revision name.
The most important feature of the Documents manager is the ability to customize documents for operator’s specific needs. To open the panel dedicated for customizing documents click icon in the document's context menu. Document editor panel is also opened after copying the existing document. Document editor consists of three panels: text editor, output document preview panel and right settings panel.
From the Documents editor you can perform following operations:
Below are some websites that might help you work with the 'Document Manager':
System always stores only the current version of the document. This means that a document cannot be restored to the state before applying changes. Because of that it is recommended that preparing the new version of a document should be made on the document copy. When the new version of a document is ready you just need to publish the new version and unpublish the old version.
To make a copy of document click “Save as Copy” from the buttons bar. In a pop-up form enter a new revision name and save. Manager will create and save a copy of the current document. User will be redirected to editing document copy.
File uploaded to the Documents manager can be used in every document created in the Documents manager. To upload a file open the right panel on FILES tab. Click upload files button and select image file you want to upload. Only jpg, jpeg and png files are supported. After selecting the file it will be automatically uploaded into the Documents manager and displayed on the list of available files. Name of the files are used to insert images into documents. Try to keep images filenames short and representative. To preview an image hover mouse over file name. Small tooltip will show image contents. In order to delete the file select trash icon next to file name.
Page settings allow configuration of the page margins and the page orientation. Some documents require more space for the header and the footer, the other ones are printed in landscape instead of portrait view.
In order to change page settings select SETTINGS tab on the right panel in document editor. Make required changes and save them with SAVE button at the bottom of the SETTINGS tab. Saving settings reloads the document preview to check applied settings. Page settings are applied only for edited document.
Documents manager is a tool combining many technologies used by developers to create and update web applications. A particular document is created by converting HTML document to PDF file. HTML document is filled in with selected trip data by Twig template and styled by CSS (with optional images resources). Full understanding of all used technologies is not required to customize document. User without any programming knowledge can easily change static fragments of documents and experiment with other constructions peeking existing templates. For better understanding the power of documents manager it is recommended to know at least basics of technologies used in manager.
Each document consists of 3 parts: header, body and footer. Parts are analogical for real documents that can have header and footer copied on every page of a document. Every part has its own HTML editor and can be managed separately. There is a single CSS for all document parts.
If you want to add pictures of your aircraft on a particular document, you need to first upload pictures to particular tail in a section SALES > FLEET (edit the aircraft and use 'EDIT PICTURES' button), name them and SAVE (click also SAVE at the bottom of the page). Once it's done, edit a particular document and use below HTML and CSS entries in Documents Manager panel.
The example below shows how to add 2 pictures of the aircraft: the outside look and the inside one, plus a command that pictures should always appear on the next page and be separated from each other.
It is possible to attach extra pdfs to existing documents in Leon. If, for example, Flight Order needs to have attached an extra page for pilots with towing instructions, you can attach it by uploading pdf file into Documents Manager panel (edit the document and use right-hand filter, tab FILES) and by adding below HTML code at the bottom of the 'BODY' HTML code:
{% pdf 'towing_instructions.pdf' %}
where 'towing_instructions' is the name of the pdf document.
It is possible to attach pdf files uploaded to some of the elements of the checklist to the Crew Tripsheet document.
This can be achieved by using the function .
This is only possible in the Crew tripsheet for the elements that contain 'file' link in the 'Available data', e.g.
An example of how to embed the code in the tripsheet can be seen below, where the 'leg' element pulls out the details from single legs and 'trip' element pulls out the details from the whole trip.
The PDF file(s) will be embedded at the end of the document.
It is also possible to show a map in particular documents. In order to do that you need to insert the below code:
You can define width and height as you wish, as well as the colour of lines on the map (see screenshot).
To add either a header or a footer as a picture you need to use appropriate tabs in Documents Manager panel.
First of all a file should be uploaded to the right-hand filter, tab FILES.
Once it's done, a code needs to be inserted in a tab HEADER:
Then, in a CSS tab you can set up, that i.e. the footer should appear only on the 1st page, or that the footer should appear only at the bottom of the last page:
HTML is a markup language that allows defining structure of web pages. Pages written in HTML can be further styled by CSS. In Documents manager user only writes HTML placed inside <body> tags. HTML headers are added automatically outside of the editor. Be aware that header, body and footer are treated as separated HTML documents but they share single CSS file.
In HTML every element, like static text (text that won’t be changed by dynamic trip data) should be inside HTML tags. For example text can be wrapped in universal <div> tag.
basic text
This text will be displayed in a document with a default font colour and the size. That and more can be changed using CSS.
With HTML you can insert previously uploaded images to the document. In order to add an image insert tag <img> with the document file name as source attribute. For example, if you want to add aircraft.png image (already uploaded to manager) to a document put following HTML: <img src=”aircraft.png”> This tag will show image in place of document where tag was inserted. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with most popular HTML constructions like list and table.
For more information regarding HTML see:
CSS is used to add style to document's structure. CSS capabilities can be compared to advanced text editor. For example, user can change: elements of the font, font size, colour of the text or the background, can add margins, padding and borders, can align content. There are a lot more CSS options to apply to a document's elements.
To apply style to document elements you can use general tags like <div> or <table> or you can name elements in the document adding identifiers (id) and classes to HTML attributes. It is possible to apply style only to named elements in a document.
Below is an example with a simple usage of general and specific tags:
The above style adds a top margin to all div elements and sets red text colour to all elements with class named “schedule_table”.
The most important CSS feature is that styles can override each other from general to specific. This way you can set standards for all elements in a document (like font size) and then override and extend this style in specific elements across the document.
For more information regarding CSS see:
Twig is a template engine that can insert dynamic data from LEON into document’s HTML structure. Before using Twig you should familiarize yourself with data structure of a document you are customizing.
Click on the DATA tab in the right panel. System displays data structure for a selected trip (it can be default or selected by an user). Now explore data structure by expanding nodes clicking on them. There are 3 types of nodes:
Knowing the structure is important because placing the data tag with Twig requires setting path to the desired element. Path should be analyzed carefully taking into account optional fields and arrays. If on the path of data you want to show is array you should iterate over this array as it can have different number of elements or have no elements.
Twig has 2 kind of tags: data tags and control tags. Data tags allow displaying data. For example simple tag to show a trip number from flight brief structure looks like this:
If you put this tag in a document's template then, after the preview, in this place Manager will show a trip number from a selected trip.
Control tags give an advanced control to an user over the template. Most common control tags are conditions and loops. Conditions allow to show certain parts of templates based on condition. Example of checking if trip client is set is:
The above code will show trip client name only if the trip have a client selected in Leon, otherwise document will show an information that the trip has no client. Usage of condition alternative is optional, you can add alternative block only when needed.
Loops allow iterating over arrays. For example, iterating over flights (available in path can look like this:
The above construction will add to a document <div> tag with the flight number for every flight in a trip. If there will be no flights - no <div> will be generated. As you can see, the structure named 'flight' represents every iterated value from array.
Data placed in a document by Twig tags can be modified using Twig filters. There are many filters at your disposal, provided by Twig and added by LEON team for special cases. Using the filter is simple. For example, adding date filter to format UNIX timestamp (number of seconds from 1.01.1970) looks as follows:
Date filter takes the date format as a parameter. Filters can take any number of parameters (including none) depending on their specification. It is possible to chain filters, next filter works on an input provided by the output of the previous filter. See the full list of available filters in Twig specification below.
LEON team prepared custom filters to simplify operations on the available data. Be aware that custom filter are dedicated to specific data types and cannot be used on other data. Here is a list of all custom filters:
* defaultLicenseNumber – returns pilot license number from array of all license objects. If a pilot has no license in array - an empty word is returned and nothing is shown on document.
example usage
example output: 123456789
example usage
example output: returns the same crew members list with replaced order of FO and CPT2 positions.
example usage
example output: 124:59
example usage
example output: flight number of first flight with aircraft.
example usage
example output: start date of first flight not positioning.
example usage
{% if FDPs|sameFDPs %}
example output: checks if all FDP elements are the same (duty start, duty end, duty lenght, next EOBT).
Sometime there is a need for page numeration. Twig allows page numbering in header and footers. In order to add the page number use following control tags in header or footer:
For more information regarding Twig see: