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Hold Item List

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Adding 'HIL' to Leon

You can register and archive all aircraft defects by entering section Maintenance > Hold Item List. Leon keeps history of each aircraft discrepancies and limitations that result from defects.

Click on 'Add new HIL' and the new window will show up. Fill in all mandatory fields: HIL & MEL (Minimum Equipment List) item number, date, due date and discrepancy description. You can also add flight limitations and corrective actions.

If there is an open HIL item added to the aircraft, Leon issues a warning if you want to add a new flight to that particular aircraft (see below).

If you have added an open HIL to one of your aircraft within a certain period of time, in section Schedule > Calendar such aircraft registration is highlighted in red. Hover the mouse over to see inserted 'Discrepancy description'.

If you try to add a new flight for the period selected in new HIL section Leon will issue a warning in top-right corner of the screen:

'MEL - Minimum Equipment List' is a categorized list of systems, instruments and equipment on an aircraft that may be inoperative for flight. Specific procedures or conditions may be associated with operation with the relevant item in}}operative. It is considered by default that any equipment or system which is not included in the MEL must be operative for the aircraft to be allowed to flight. The MEL is defined on a per aircraft model basis.

Old Flights List

When adding a new flight for the same period as added HIL Leon shows a warning:

If you have scheduled a new flight for the aircraft with already scheduled HIL checking - Leon will display its registration number in red, in 'Flights List' section. When you hover the mouse over that registration number, you will be able to see discrepancy description along with the information about the limitations (see below).

In a section Sales > Calendar aircraft with added HIL are highlighted in orange:

leon/hold-item-list.1493979240.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/05 10:14 by bartek