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Flights Status

Flights Status - overview of the checklist items

This section is useful to have an overview of the preparation stage of all upcoming legs. You can hover the mouse over the selected field to view information added in the flight's checklist.

The number of columns in this section corresponds with all the checklist items displayed in a tab Checklist of Schedule section. They can be defined in Flight editing section.

By clicking on the particular flight number you will be re-directed to the Schedule page, where you can make further changes or corrections in the checklist.

You can use the filter to select an aircraft type or registration of which data should be displayed, edit flight or trip number or enter a particular airport/airports to narrow down the list of data by using available options in the Advanced part of the filter.

leon/report-flights-status.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/03 08:52 by bartek