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Work Time

Report 'Work Time' - the view on crew trips, duty time, FDP, block time and CMT

The report shows Duty time and Flight duty period data (start, end, lenght, at night) along with Block time and CMT values.

Apart from assigned flights, Leon also shows Duty time for duties added in Crew Duties section (the roster). For a duty defined on the aircraft (in a section Settings > Duties Setup) Leon also shows an Aircraft Type. For duties such as office or training, Leon shows duty name in a column Trip No.

You can select a date range 'From - To' or a particular month, as well as switch between LT and UTC. Data source can also be selected in the filter (plan, available, journey logs).

Exporting selected crew to PDF

Generating the report for selected crew members

It is possible to generate Work time report for selected crew members.

The process is as follow:

  1. Choose the time frame for which you would like to generate the report.
  2. Click on Generate PDF for multiple crew members link located in the filter.
  3. In the 'Generate PDF' window insert email address in the 'Recipients' window and select the crew members for which you would like to generate the report. It is possible to insert the multiple emails separated by the comma.
  4. Press 'SEND' button.
  5. You will see a window with the confirmation that the report is being generated and will be sent to selected email addresses. Depending on the number of chosen crew members it might take several minutes. Press 'OK' to confirm.
  6. PDF with the Work Time report for the selected crew is available in the INBOX.

leon/report-work-time.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:07 (external edit)