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'Sales Module' in 'General settings'

Sales Module tab is available in Admin Panel > General Settings section.

This section is directly connected to the quotation process performed in the 'Requests/Quotes'.

Below subsections explain each setting in details.

Default notes

'Default notes'

Default notes subsection allows inserting:

  • Default Legal Note
  • Default Cancellation Policy

Once the notes are added in this subsection, they will appear in the quote edit > Notes tab in the 'LEGAL NOTE' and the 'CANCELLATION POLICY' fields respectively.

Additionally, the notes can be included in the sales documents, if applied in the Documents Manager for specific document.

Default invoice data

'Default invoices settings'

Default invoice data contains two sets of settings:

  • Default invoice recipient email - this can be used when, rather than sending an invoice email to the Client, the email is sent to the internal department (e.g. Accountancy) for checks, and then the internal department sends it to the Client. If the default email is set in this section, it will automatically populate as a TO email when selecting the INVOICE option on the quote editing page.
  • Default address - default address comprises 5 address lines that can be used on the invoice as the Invoice address. By default, Leon takes the address from the 'Manage account' settings, however, if the address for invoices is different, then it can be inserted here and used on the document/email

Exclusion zones

'Exclusion zones'

Exclusion zones are countries over which the aircraft should not be flying.

Once the exclusion zones are selected, the flight time calculations that apply to Aviapages and ReouteFinder in Request/Quotes panel > Edit quote ('Calculate Flight Time' option) will take these zones into consideration and omit the selected countries.

Exclusion zones indicated in this section will apply per operator.

There are 2 additional options available in the 'Fleet' section (per aircraft) and the Client profile (per Client).

Currency list

'Currency list'

Currency list will define which currencies should be available in the requests made on the own fleet and subcharters, also when setting up the invoice or Fees the list will be visible.

In case of no currency is defined all will be available to be used.

Quote Request Statuses

Statuses selected in the settings

Quote Request Statuses setting allows selecting the default request statuses.

All the statuses are available in the dropdown and once selected, they appear in the list below the dropdown.

Upon saving, the statuses will update in the request edit section (as per screen on the right).

To remove the status from the list simply click on the status icon - - and save the updated settings.

Country VAT

Country VAT

In Country VAT it is possible to select the following options:

  • Calculate VAT proportionally domestic to international - explained below and connected directly to the selected rates for countries
  • Include ferry flights - option to include ferry flights in the VAT calculations. By default, Leon calculates VAT on the passenger flights only
  • Rates - setting up the default VAT rate for specific countries


Example of default VAT rate application

In order to select the VAT rates list simply select the country and insert the rate for this country. If more country rates need to be inserted, click on the 'Add country and VAT rate' button and insert the details for the next country.

Once the list of rates is created, it then applies the default rate to the request in the 'Requests/Quotes' section based on the following criteria:

  • it has to be a domestic flight and within the listed country
  • it has to be a passenger flight by default unless the 'Include ferry flights' is selected

The default VAT rate will be presented in the VAT box in the quote/edit section, as per the screenshot on the right.

The default VAT rates also apply to the requests coming from Avinode.

Calculate VAT proportionally domestic to international

The Calculate VAT proportionally domestic to international option allows to calculate the VAT rate on both domestic and international flights proportionally to the flight time within the country.

If this setting is applied, the VAT rates are calculated separately for each country and added to give the final VAT rate, as per below:

A. VAT rate for the country

B. Flight time for the domestic flight

C. Total flight time within the trip, subject to the 'Include ferry flights' setting

The formula is as follows:

A x B / C = Country VAT rate

VAT rates are not calculated for the International flights.


In this example, the trip consists of three flights of which two are domestic - Poland and France - and one is international.

Total flight time for all 3 flights is 03:30.

VAT rates are 9% for Poland and 10% for France.

Example of proportional VAT calculations

The calculations of VAT rate are as follows:

  • Leg 1 - Domestic in Poland - Flight time is 00:30 - Calculation: 9% x 00:30 / 03:30 = 1.28%
  • Leg 2 - International flight - Calculation: VAT = 0%
  • Leg 3 - Domestic in France - Flight time is 01:00 - Calculation: 10% x 01:00 / 03:30 = 2.86%

Based on the above 3 legs calculations, VAT rate calculated for this trip is 4.14%:

  • 1.28% + 2.86% = 4.14%

Quote Settings

Require departure and arrival times to be set regardless of TBA setting

Require departure and arrival times to be set regardless of TBA setting option applies to the way the scheduled times are displayed in the itinerary when editing the quote:

  • Ticked - Departure and Arrival times appear and despite the 'TBA' checkbox being ticked

  • Unticked - Departure and Arrival times do not appear and only the 'TBA' label is displayed

Default rotation time

'Default rotation times settings

Default rotation time settings are divided into two options:

  • Default positioning rotation time [hh:mm] - setting up the aircraft rotation time before the first flight with PAX within the request
  • Default repositioning rotation time [hh:mm] - setting up the aircraft rotation time after the last flight with PAX within the request

Those default rotation times do not apply when:

  • adding a fuel stop
  • performing a feasibility check
  • adding legs manually within the itinerary


'Example of rotation times application

In the example, the following is set up:

  • Default positioning rotation time [hh:mm] - set to 01:30
  • Default repositioning rotation time [hh:mm] - set to 00:45
  • Positioning flights policy - option in the aircraft settings > 'SALES' tab is set to 'Fixed'

As presented in the screenshot:

  • Rotation time between positioning and the first sector with PAX equals 01:30
  • Rotation time between the first sector with PAX and the repositioning equals 00:45

Minimal price margin

Minimum price margin warning

This setting allows defining the minimum margin required applicable to the 'Cost & Margin' method of quoting.

If a quote margin falls below the value specified in this section, Leon will display warning information upon clicking on the 'QUOTE' status (screen on the right).

Automatically add taxes to the quote

This option will allow adding/removing automated calculation of passenger taxes on the quote.

If the option is ticked the passenger taxes will be automatically calculated in the quote.

Automatically update quote on schedule change

Automatically update quote on schedule change allows setting up and automated update of itinerary and recalculating the price of the request if the itinerary elements are changed within the sales section.

There are two possible scenarios:

  • Option ticked - any changes within the quoted itinerary automatically recalculate the pricelist elements and the final price
  • Option unticked - manual recalculation is required using the 'RECALCULATE' button

Update quote based on trip change

Update quote based on trip change allows selecting an option of auto-update the quote upon schedule changes from the OPS part.

'Update quote based on trip change' contains the following recalculation options:

  • Update schedule but keep the price - schedule updated without recalculating the price
  • Update schedule and recalculate the price - schedule updated and the price recalculated based on the new schedule
  • User takes a decision - User will manually decide which option to select in Sales upon the update in OPS
  • Ignore - updates in OPS are ignored

Below, there are two examples of the applied settings:

  • Update schedule and recalculate the price - schedule updates automatically and the price is recalculated based on the updates itinerary, as soon as the changes are saved in the OPS section:

  • User takes a decision - changes in OPS do not apply automatically in Sales. Information appears in the Sales itinerary as soon as the changes are saved in the OPS section. Action required based on the action buttons:

Recalculate mode

The Recalculate mode contains two setting options that recalculate elements of the booked quote accordingly when the trip is amended by the OPS.

Original pricing in the request
'Update units and prices' recalculation

EXAMPLE - Update units and prices

This recalculation mode will:

  • revert the units to the default units based on the default calculations
  • keep the elements added manually in the quote
  • not reinstate removed items

In the example on the right the following happened upon the update:

  • 'PAX Flight Fee' - the price was amended and remained unchanged
  • 'Services' - manually amended number of units to 2 was reverted to 1
  • 'Crew charge' - element added manually with the units calculated automatically and price inserted manually; units and prices remained unchanged
  • 'Extra Pax Fee' - element added manually with the units and prices inserted manually; number of units reset to the original value and price was kept
  • 'Ferry Flight Fee' - one of the default items that was removed was not reinstated after the update in OPS
Original pricing in the request
'Update units but keep prices' recalculation

Update units but keep the prices

This recalculation mode will:

  • not change the price regardless of the type of the pricelist element: Aircraft, Airport, PAX Tax
  • changes the unit if the element is calculated automatically
  • not add/remove the Aircraft elements of the pricelist
  • add/remove the Airport elements of the pricelist and the PAX Taxes

In the example on the right the following happened upon the update:

  • 'PAX Flight Fee' - the price was amended and remained unchanged
  • 'Services' - manually amended number of units to 2 was kept
  • 'Crew charge' - element added manually with the units calculated automatically and price inserted manually; units and prices remained unchanged
  • 'Extra Pax Fee' - element added manually with the units and prices inserted manually; number of units reset to the original value and price was kept
  • 'Ferry Flight Fee' - one of the default items that was removed was not reinstated after the update in OPS

Cost & margin total price update mode

Cost & margin total price update mode settings apply to the requests based on the 'Cost&Margin' method of quoting. It allows selecting which part of the quote should be adjusted upon changing the Total Price.

Cost & margin total price update mode contains 3 options:

  • Selected manually - user decides which part should be recalculated when the total price is changed
  • Update margin - the margin is recalculated when the total price is changed
  • Update cost - margin remains unchanged but the 'Extra Fee'/'Discount' element of the pricelist is added to the quote with the relevant value


Original request

The original request is presented in the screenshot on the right-hand side:

  • Total Price is €33876.59
  • Margin is 20%

For the clarity of selection, the Select manually mode is set in the Sales Module settings

1. The Total Price is changed to €35000.00

Once the Total price is amended, Leon will ask which part of the quote should be adjusted.

Margin-based recalculation of the quote
Cost-based recalculation of the quote

In the case of the 'Update margin/cost' settings selected in the Sales module settings, recalculation will happen automatically.

2. Margin-based update of the quote

If the Margin option is selected:

  • Elements and the cost remain unchanged
  • Since the Total price is increased from €33876.59 to €35000.00, the Margin value is recalculated from 20% to 22.82% based on the cost and the new Total price

3. Cost-based update of the quote

If the Cost option is selected:

  • Margin remains unchanged at 20%
  • Since the Total price is increased from €33876.59 to €35000.00, the 'Extra Fee' element is added to the pricelist with the relevant amount calculated based on the new Total Price and unchanged margin

Optional Trip Settings

Optional Trip Settings sub-section contains the following options:

'Create non-confirmed trip in OPS module' option

Create non-confirmed trip when contact is sent

The 'Create non-confirmed trip when contact is sent' checkbox allows activating the 'Create non-confirmed trip in OPS module' checkbox in the 'Send document: Charter Agreement' pop-up window ('CONTRACT' status button in the RFQ).

Selecting the 'Create non-confirmed trip in OPS module' and sending the contract to the Client will create a non-confirmed trip (Option) in the OPS section without having to initially go through the 'OPTION' status button. This checkbox is the equivalent of the 'OPTION' status button in the RFQ.

Indication of a due date when creating a non-confirmed trip

Default due time for optional trips [hhh:mm]

The Default due time for optional trips [hhh:mm] allows setting the due time and date for when the non-confirmed trip should be automatically cancelled if the response is not received from the buyer.

The format of the default due date is set to hhh:mm. This allows calculating the correct due time and date based on the time when the non-confirmed trip is being created.


The due time is set to 48:10, as per the below screenshot:

When creating the non-confirmed trip (either via the 'OPTION' or the 'CONTRACT' status) on the 28th of June at 08:12LT, the due date will automatically be set to the 30th of June at 08:22LT (as per the screenshot on the right).

Invoices & Credit notes

This subsection consists of 3 settings:

  • Due date for invoices
  • Include taxes in trip price for invoices
  • Default recharge invoice item tax rate
  • Include fees in Invoice/Proforma

Due date for invoices

In this section, you can set up a default 'Due date' for the Quote Invoice.

The setting consists of 2 fields:

  1. Input with the number of days
  2. Dropdown with the following options:
    • after issue date - number of days after the invoice issue date
    • after invoice date - number of days after the invoice date
    • before flight - number of days before the first flight within the request

As you can see in the example below, the Invoice due date was set to 7 days after the invoice date:

By default, the 'Due date' is set to 10 days after the issue date. This setting also applies to 'Credit Notes'

Include taxes in trip price for invoices

Include taxes in trip price for invoices setting allows deciding whether the tax should be displayed as a separate item on the Invoice section of the request.

It works as follow:

  • Ticked - tax is included in the total price in the Invoice section

  • Unticked - the default setting, tax is presented as a separate item in the Invoice section

Default recharge invoice item tax rate

Default recharge invoice item tax rate allows setting up a default VAT rate for the items listed on the Recharge Invoice.

The rate will automatically apply and can be presented both in an email and the Invoice document.

Include fees in Invoice/Proforma

In the Include fees in Invoice/Proforma section it is possible to select the default elements of the 'Aircraft/Airport Fees' that will show on the Invoice/Proforma Invoice.

'Include fees in Invoice/Proforma' example

If the element of the fees exists in the quotation pricelist, it will also be added to the Invoice/Proforma Invoice, as per the screenshot.

Selecting the Include fees only on proforma invoice checkbox will make the selected items to only display on the Proforma Invoice in the Sales panel.

Subcharter settings

The below settings apply to the subcharter quotes

Select handling agents on subcharters automatically

Default handler assigned

'Select handling agents on subcharters automatically' setting allows deciding if the preferred handling agents should apply automatically to the subcharter requests for quotes:

  • Checkbox ticked - default setting. preferred handler automatically assigned to the request on a subcharter
  • Checkbox unticked - preferred handler not assigned to the request on a subcharter

Sales Checklist items

This section allows selecting the default 'Sales Checklist Items' settings that will apply to the subcharter quotes.

Any changes to the settings will only apply to the subcharter quotes added after the update.

Phonebook settings

Account required warning

Is account required setting allows making the 'Account' field as required while creating a new contact ('Person') in the 'New Phonebook'.

If the checkbox is ticked, the 'Account' has to be selected, otherwise, Leon will issue a warning and will not allow saving a new contact

leon/sales-module-tab-in-general-settings.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 16:25 by rafal