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Schedule Changes Summary

Schedule Changes Summary

This section gives an option to receive emails at selected hours (twice a day) about all flight changes made each day. The report includes new flights, changed flights or deleted flights.

First step is defining at what time, twice a day, Leon should send emails.

Only full and/or half hours can be input, i.e.: 12:00, 16:30.

You can insert 1 or more email addresses where this report should be sent. You also need to specify how many days should this report include from the current day.

If all is set up, Leon sends an Excel file to the recipient with all new, changed or deleted flights. In the file itself there are 4 different colours indications:

  • green - new flights added.
  • white - no changes made.

  • yellow - flight change.
  • orange - particular change marked (date, acft reg, ADEP, ADES, STA, etc…)

leon/schedule-changes-summary.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 07:42 by dsaluda