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BOOKINGS changes

Grouping quotations & flights by Client

We have rearranged a panel BOOKINGS to make it more user-friendly for a Customer Support Department dealing with customers once the quote has been booked. Such a team deals with things like:

  1. contacting the client to arrange catering, PAX transport, etc…
  2. sending a Flight Brief and other documents to the client.
  3. adding PAX details to the system.

Grouping by Client

Leon shows Quotations & Flights grouped by the Client (selected as a 'Requester' in the quote's edition). This way it is much easier to find a client and deal with his/her cquote.

updates/bookings-changes-have-been-implemented.1620304165.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/06 12:29 by bartek