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The 'Summary' tab displays the quick overview of all the quotes within one request.

The list is displayed in the same order as the order of the quotes.

The tab contains the following columns:

'Summary' tab
  • No - order number corresponding to the quote number
  • Aircraft - Aircraft registration and type assigned to a specific quote
  • Seller - Name of the airline selling the trip. It could be either the name of the subcharter company or 'Own fleet' label, in case of quoting on own aircraft
  • Operator status - reply status received from Avinode (Accepted, Rejected, Unanswered). In case of own fleet or subcharter added within Leon, the status will always be set to 'N/A'
  • Offered - displays the information whether the specific quote was included in an email sent to the Client using the 'QUOTE“ status. Set either to 'Yes' (if sent) or 'No'
  • Operator price - applies to 'Operator price' for quoted by the subcharter operator
  • Margin - this is either the subcharter operator margin or the margin indicated in the quote performed using the 'Cost & Margin' method
  • Price - total quoted price

updates/requests-quotes-summary-tab-added.1639660933.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/16 13:22 by rafal