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New features in R/Q

We have added the following new features to 'Requests/Quotes' section:

  1. Rejecting requests from R/Q list
  2. Empty leg requests from Avinode
  3. Sorting options in R/Q list

Rejecting requests from the list

Option to reject a request
Rejected requests in Avinode

It is possible to reject requests directly from the list of requests.

This applies to requests received via Avinode, Owner App, as well as inserted directly in Leon as a New Quote.

To reject a request you need to:

  1. Click with the right-click of the mouse on the request you'd like to reject
  2. Select REJECT REQUEST button
  3. 'Reject' email window will open. There you can select either:
    • - rejects and updates the status of the request only in Leon without updating the status neither in Avinode nor in Owner App
    • - rejects requests and updates the status to 'Rejected' in Leon and Owner App, and to 'Declined' in Avinode

Empty leg requests from Avinode

Request for empty leg in Avinode
Requested empty leg including positioning flights

Active integration with Avinode allows now downloading requests for empty legs.

Once the empty leg request is downloaded to Leon, Leon creates the full routing including positioning legs if necessary. The aircraft selected in Leon is the same as sent in the empty leg request. If the aircraft does not exist in Leon, the request will not be accepted by Leon.

Leon also calculates the quotation amount based on the pricelists assigned to the aircraft in Settings > Fleet > Sales tab in the aircraft details.

If the downloaded request is for numerous empty legs and for different aircraft, the routing and the quotation are created for each one of them separately.

Edited empty leg request contains 'Avinode empty leg' label next to the 'VAT' box. By clicking on this label, user will get redirected to this request in Avinode.

Request sent from Avinode will show on the list as a new request with 'Avinode' label in 'Updated' column.

Sorting Options

Requests/Quotes - the requests view sorted by the 'Updated' column

Currently in Requests/Quotes view there are 2 possible ways of sorting the requests:

  • - existing one. Sorting based on the date and time of the update of the request
  • Unordered List Item - new one. Sorting based on the date and time of departure of the first leg of the itinerary. This does not include the legs that already took off. Only includes the legs from 'now' minus 24h. It does not update the requests list and the green update button is not available

updates/requests-quotes-we-have-added-possibility-to-reject-requests-from-the-rq-list-as-well-as-other-features.1596184765.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/31 08:39 by rafal