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Markers in Timeline view

We have created a possibility of adding extra lines in the Timeline view which will allow you to mark the events (timeframes) that have to be done before or after the flight. The lines are set to follow the 'NOW' line.

First step in this process is to create a line and name it. You need to go to 'General settings' and in 'General settings' section you will find a 'Timeline additional markers' option. Here you can choose the name of the line, when it should show vs 'NOW' (h-hours, m-minutes, d-days, etc), and the colour of the line. Once you have it created….blablabla………………………………………………………………

updates/schedule-it-is-possible-to-add-marking-lines-in-the-timeline-view.1495809959.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/26 14:45 by rafal