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Copy Crew within the Trip

Copy Crew Functionality

It is possible now to copy crew to the number of legs within one trip. This function is located in the Tab CREW.

In order for this function to work properly certain conditions have to be met:

  • EDIT TRIP in bottom panel - firstly you have to edit the trip. If the trip is not edited, upon clicking on 'Copy Crew' button you will receive the following message: “Only active in trip mode. Please click 'Edit Trip' in the bottom panel”.
  • Aircraft type - at least one other leg has to have the same aircraft type as the edited leg. Leon will not allow you to copy crew to a leg with a different type assigned. It is possible to assign different aircraft type to one leg, however, they will not be suggested when copying crew.

The process itself is very simple. Once the above conditions are met, you only need to click on 'Copy Crew' and Leon will display available legs. Choose the flight(s) you would like to assign crew to and click on 'Save'.

You can still check FTL calculations before saving as Leon will recalculate FDP and duty times during the process.

updates/schedule-it-is-possible-to-copy-crew-within-the-trip.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/01 11:23 by bartek