
Bookings calendar view

Bookings is the Calendar-like section where it is possible to see what is going on currently, or on a specific date in one view. 'Bookings' allows viewing all the trips booked and requests quoted for specific Clients.

The 'Bookings' view is divided into a filter section at the top and the calendar with the Client schedule below the filter.

The top filter contains such elements as:

It is possible to send 'Flight Brief' document from the main 'Bookings' view. In order to do it, click with the right-click of the mouse on the trip and select SEND FLIGHT BRIEF option. You can also manually insert the Flight Watch from this view. In order to insert the 'Flight Watch' click with the right-click of the mouse on the trip tile and select 'EDIT FLIGHT WATCH (ADEP-ADES)' option:

'Flight Watch' window in 'Bookings'

Once selected, the 'Flight Watch' pop-up window will appear with the standard 'Flight Watch' fields, as per the screenshot on the right-hand side.

Hovering the mouse over the label will display the Flight Watch details in the tooltip.

'Movement' email window