Table of Contents


New Phonebook main view

To make flight preparations quick and easy you can use this section and add contact data to Leon.

Hover the mouse over icon and select 'New Phonebook'.

Filtering options are located at the top of the 'New Phonebook' view.

The list of contacts displays the following information:


The filtering options are located at the top of the page.

There are the following filtering options available:

Resetting the filters can be done by deleting already selected options.

New Contact

Adding new Company
Adding new Person

In order to add a new contact press button.

A pop-up window will appear where the type of contact can be selected between:

Depending on the selection, the details are very similar. There are some details that do not apply to the Company' such as Gender, Place of Birth, etc.

Some of the important fields are:

In order to edit the existing contact, simply click on the contact and the editing pop-up window will display.

The contact details in the editing window are the same as in the 'New contact' window.

Operator base

This feature only applies to operators that have more than one base. For the operators with one base only this functionality will not apply.

Bases can be defined in General Settings section.

Once the bases are added, it is possible to assign one to a Client.

If the base is assigned to a Client, the trip requested by this particular Client will automatically be assigned to the Client's base.

It is also possible to assign or change the original base, including the base initially assigned to a Client, without having to assign a specific user.

If you select a particular base in the operator selection dropdown (top-right corner of Leon), the Requests/Quotes list will only display the requests assigned to this particular base.

Handling Requests per Client

It is possible to assign a default handling agent to a Client in Leon.

In order to assign a Handling Agent to a Client, you need to select the Agent(s) in the 'Preferred handling agent' box.

Handling agent can be searched by using:

It is possible to assign multiple Handling Agents at different Airports to one Client.

Once the Handler is assigned, it will appear as a tag below the 'Preferred handling agent' selection box:

Only one Handler per airport can be assigned to a Client. Assigning second Handling Agent will replace already assigned Handler.

Once the Handler is assigned, it will auto-populate in the OPS checklist when the trip is booked.

Handler assigned to the Client has higher priority than the Handling Agent selected as preferred in the Airport Directory. This means that the Handler assigned to the Client will overwrite the preferred Handler from 'AD' upon booking the trip from Sales.

Exclusion zones

Exclusion zones are the countries over which the aircraft should not be flying.

The exclusion zones can be indicated in the Client profile - 'Exclusion zones' box as per below. Simply start to insert the country name and select it from the dropdown list.

Once the exclusion zones are selected, the flight time calculations in the 'Requests/Quotes' section ('Calculate Flight Time' option) will take these zones into consideration.

Edit Contact

In order to edit the contact simply click on the contact name in the list of contacts.

Depending on the type of contact, a different set of details will be available.

When it comes to the Company type client, one page with general information is available. Some of the elements are explained in the 'New Contact' section.

When it comes to the Person type client, the following sections are available:

The sections are explained below.


'Basic' tab display

Basic tab contains very detailed information of the Contact as well as address and the contact details.

Some of the more important details are:

Additionally, details inserted in the Email section will be used to send any emails (sales documents and movement emails) to the Client.


'Documents' tab

In the documents section the following details can be inserted:

Access to this section can be allowed in the 'Privileges' by selecting DENY/VIEW/EDIT on the 'New phonebook - Documents' place.

PAX Characteristics

'Characteristics' tab

Section PAX Characteristics contains important information about the PAX preferences such as likes, dislikes, favorite dishes, and drinks as well as other notes.

Access to this section can be allowed by privileges by selecting DENY/VIEW/EDIT on the 'New phonebook - Characteristics' place.

Any information populated in this section can be populated on the PAX and Crew Tripsheet.