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Crew Staffing Plan

'Crew Staffing Plan' report

The purpose of the 'Crew Staffing Plan' report is to provide an overview of the crew members and the aircraft type they are flying or they are assigned to. This information allows determining the qualifications that the crew should hold as well as the training/courses that might be required.

The crew will be listed in the report if the 'Include' checkbox is ticked in the 'Crew staffing' column in the 'User' profile (full edit), 'Ratings' tab:

Additionally, the restriction note can be inserted.

The report contains the following columns:

  • Name - crew name
  • Registration - appears only if the crew is directly assigned to the aircraft ('Preferred crew' in the Fleet > tab 'Crew' of edited aircraft). Otherwise, it shows the 'Fleet' label
  • Type - EASA code of the aircraft
  • Position - the highest rating of the crew on the aircraft
  • Base aircraft - short name of the aircraft type
  • Restrictions - restriction note inserted in the 'Crew staffing' column in the user profile
  • Phone - work phone number of the crew member
  • Other Aircraft - other aircraft for which crew might have the ratings
  • All positions - column displaying all the ratings on the aircraft from the Aircraft column

Additionally, the report can be exported to PDF and excel files.

leon/report-crew-staffing-plan.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/01 15:07 by rafal