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OPS - fuel price index and estimated costs added in the fuel tab

New data will be shown in OPS → Fuel tab.

Global reference fuel price setting in OPS → Fuel Prices
Fuel price index and estimated costs shown in the Fuel tab in OPS

Fuel price index

It is possible to define global reference fuel price, to have a fuel price index calculated regardless of the supplier. You can set it up in OPS → Fuel Prices.

The price set up in OPS → Fuel Prices will be used to calculate the fuel price index, shown in the Fuel tab on flights in OPS, regardless of the supplier.

The index will show the difference (in percentages) between the price offered by a supplier and the reference price.

The formula is:

PriceIndex = (OfferedPrice - ReferencePrice) / ReferencePrice * 100%

If the index is positive (the price offered is higher than the reference) the indication is red. If the difference is negative (the price offered is lower than the reference), the indication is green.

Estimated fuel cost

Estimated uplift cost

The estimated uplift cost is calculated based on fuel price, and uplift value, which is determined as:

  • 'Uplift' value in the JL, if entered
  • 'Block fuel' from the 'Fuel' item in the OPS checklist, minus 'Fuel remaining' from the previous leg (if available)
  • 'Trip fuel' from the 'Fuel' item in the OPS checklist, if there is no 'Block fuel“ entered

Estimated consumption cost

The estimated consumption cost is calculated based on fuel price and 'Trip fuel' entered in the 'Fuel' item of the OPS checklist

updates/ops-fuel-price-index-and-estimated-costs-added-in-the-fuel-tab.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/14 10:55 by marek