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New version of PPS integration

The new version of PPS integration will be released.

PPS8 Settings Manager

Main changes in the new version of the integration

The new version of the integration will use the new web service of PPS, which allows for transferring of:

  • ICAO flight type from Leon to PPS
  • FPL status in AMEXSY will be shown OPS checklist, item 'PPS CFMU'
  • CB status from PPS will be shown in OPS checklist, item 'PPS Crew Briefing'. The status can be 'None' or 'Uploaded'
PPS integration settings in Leon

How to migrate to the new integration

Backward compatibility of the integration is provided. However, it is recommended to switch to the new version at your earliest convenience.

PPS8 settings

  1. On your desktop find 'PPS8 Options' and run it as administrator.
  2. In the 'PPS8 Settings Manager' window, go to the 'Corporate Data' tab, and select the right account to be edited.
  3. Tick the checkbox 'Use new webservice'.
  4. Save the changes.

Leon Add-ons settings

  1. Go to Settings → Add-ons.
  2. Find 'PPS' and click EDIT.
  3. Tick the checkbox 'New webservice enabled in PPS', and enter 'PPS name', which you can find in the bottom-left corner of PPS8 window.
  4. Optionally, enable the checkboxes:
    1. Auto import PPS CFMU status
    2. Auto import PPS Crew Briefing status
  5. Save the changes.
To get the username and password for Leon-PPS integration, please contact Air Support A/S
updates/ops-new-version-of-pps-integration.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/05 12:29 by marek