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MVT Messages

MVT messages rules configuration

The MVT configuration panel found in Settings > Email Templates > MVT Messages allows to set up a mechanism that will automatically send out movement messages via email when the Flight Watch of the flight is filled in (either manually or by Eurocontrol).

In this section, you can set up rules which will determine when the emails are sent (4 scenarios available: when the aircraft takes-off, lands, when ETA is updated or aircraft has arrived and it is ready for the next operation), what the content of such email would be and who will receive such email. Apart from the particular email addresses that can be assigned to a rule, a client representative, as well as the handlers, can receive such information.

The content of the messages is defined by the templates available for your use in two formats: regular letter or MVT format. It is also possible to add custom templates.

Sending MVT messages manually

Apart from the automatic configuration, it is also possible to send out MVT messages manually for each flight. You can find detailed explanation of the process HERE and in the video tutorial below.

Click below for a detailed video tutorial on the above instructions:

getting-started/mvt-messages.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/06 09:51 by rafal