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Privileges panel has been created to simplify setting up the access level for Leon users. Setting up Privileges is easy, quick and does not require re-logging to get changes applied - only refreshing of the page is needed.

In the Privileges, each user can only be assigned to one group.

Every time Privileges are changed, Leon shows information about it and logged in user needs to refresh the page so that the change applied.

General view

Privileges - the main page

The general view of the Privileges page shows groups with their names, aircraft assigned and number of users assigned to a particular group.

Each tile displays the name of the group, number of aircraft assigned and the number of users assigned.

Hover the mouse over the aircraft icon within the group to see tails attached to the group. Do the same with the head icon to see users assigned to the group. You can also use Search group option to narrow down the view to one particular group only.

By clicking on the particular group Leon opens the editing panel.


Tab DETAILS is the one where Admins can set up an access level to the particular group of users, by marking options: DENY, VIEW or EDIT.

- allows users to edit data of the panel: make changes, add or delete data from the system.

- users are able to view panel's data but unable to edit it.

- panel is not available for users.

Some privileges settings don't have 3 options: DENY, VIEW, and EDIT as concerned sections in Leon can not be edited (Crew App Checklist, Crew Work Schedule or Reports) or viewing them does not bring any benefit.

Below is the explanation what particular privileges items mean and what access to the system they grant.

Admin - Operational Administrator - limited access to the Admin panel - most important sections of the Admin panel are not available, the only available sections are as per screenshot below:

Admin - System Administrator - full access to all the sections of the Admin panel.

Airport Directory - access to panel Airport Directory, available under the icon, on menu bar.

Contact Mask - Leon allows to make all inactive user contacts masked (to be set up in the 'Admin Panel' > 'General Settins' > 'Phonebook') - if this item is set to DENY, the user will see the icon in the user profile with the following information: You don't have permissions to unmask passports.

Country Database - access to panel Country Database under the icon on the menu bar.

Crew - access to the section Per Diems from the panel CREW on menu bar.

Crew App - Activity Details - access to flight & positioning details (upon clicking the selected flight right below the roster). It also enables reporting times changing in a tab FTL.

Crew App - Checklist OPS - access to OPS checklist - if set to VIEW - user can see OPS checklist items. If set to EDIT - user can change item's status.

Crew App - Checklist Sales - access to Sales checklist - if set to VIEW - user can see Sales checklist items. If set to EDIT - user can change item's status.

Crew App - Crew Tab - access to a tab in a section SCHEDULE - if set to DENY, access is removed from this section, but still available in a section MY SCHEDULE.

Crew App - Currency - access to the panel Currency, if set to DENY - this panel is removed from the app.

Crew App - Customer - access to customer's name/surname in flight's details section.

Crew App - Duty Accounts - access to a tab available in the panel DUTIES (if set up in Admin > Duties Setup).

Crew App - Duty Details - access to duty details, i.e. Office or STB (so other than flights, SIMs or positionings).

Crew App - Duty Requests - access to a tab available in the panel DUTIES - if set to DENY, user is not able to request any duties made available for requesting in Admin > Duties Setup.

Crew App - Own Certificates - access to user's own Certificates.

Crew App - JL - access to a tab where - if set to EDIT - user can fill in Journey Log and attach files.

Crew App - MVT/FW - access to a tab where - if set to EDIT - user fan fill in FW data.

Crew App - PAX - access to a tab where PAX details show (including passport details).

Crew App - PAX Boarding - access to a PAX boarding functionality (in a tab PAX)- if set to EDIT, a button is available.

Crew App - Schedule - access to all other crew flights & duties - if set to DENY, access to this section is removed.

Crew App - Simulator - access to Simulator duty - if set to DENY, user will not be able to edit SIM's details.

Crew Calendar - access to a section Crew Calendar in the panel CREW on menu bar.

Crew Endorsements - access to Crew Certificates in the Admin panel as well as to Crew > Certificates Configuration.

Crew FTL Calculations - access to a section FTL Calculations in a tab CREW of the OPS panel, as well as to AOC in a tab FLIGHT.

Crew Profile - access to Crew profile from a tab CREW of the OPS panel - if set to DENY, editing the profile is not possible.

Crew Qualification - access to Crew Qualification section in the CREW panel on menu bar.

Crew Timeline - access to Crew Timeline section in the CREW panel on menu bar.

Crew Travel - access to Travel section in the CREW panel on menu bar.

Crew Work Schedule - access to a section Crew Work Schedule in the CREW panel on menu bar - crew can receive pdf of that section when publishing the roster from Crew panels - if set up in Admin > Duties Setup.

Custom Airports - access to a section Custom Airports in the OPS panel on menu bar - it allows adding custom airports/airfields/helipads.

Fuel Prices - access to a tab FUEL in the OPS panel.

Handling Requests - access to sending handling requests emails to handlers/FBOs from the OPS checklist. If set to DENY, sending emails is not allowed.

Home Base Handling Requests - access to a section Home Base Handling Requests in the OPS panel on menu bar.

MX - Fleet - access to a section Fleet in the MX panel on menu bar - if set to EDIT, user can set up CAMO data.

MX - Fleet Documents - access to a section Fleet Documents in the MX panel - if set to EDIT, user can add fleet documents details (incl. uploading scans), as well as set up email notifications. If set to VIEW - only setting up email notifications is possible.

MX - HIL - access to a section HIL in the MX panel - if set to EDIT, user can add new HIL activities.

MX - Scheduled Maintenance - access to a section Scheduled Maintenance in the MX panel - if set to EDIT, user can add aircraft maintenance and add CAMO limits.

New Phonebook - Characteristics - access to PAX/Client characteristics inserted in his/her profile, tab Characteristic.

New Phonebook - Documents - access to PAX/Client documents - if set to EDIT, user can add/edit Passport, Visa and National ID.

New Phonebook - Flights - access to the tab FLIGHTS in the PAX/Client profile.

New Phonebook - Invoices - access to PAX/Client invoices in a tab ACCOUNTING of his/her profile (incl. pdf scans).

OPS - access to main OPS panel on menu bar - if set to DENY, Leon removes access to OPS completely.

OPS - Aircraft - access to the tab ACFT in the OPS panel, which shows aircraft documents.

OPS - Checklist OPS - access to OPS checklist in the OPS panel. If set to EDIT, user can add/remove items and change item's status.

OPS - Checklist Sales - access to Sales checklist in the OPS panel - if set to EDIT, user can add/remove items and change item's status.

OPS - Crew - access to the tab CREW in the OPS panel - if set to EDIT, user can add/remove crew to flights.

OPS - Crew Travel Documents - access to a section Travel Documents in the tab CREW.

OPS - Crew Vaccinations - access to a section Vaccinations in the tab CREW.

OPS - FW - access to Leon's Flight Watch in the OPS panel - if set to DEIT, user can fill in the Flight Watch data and send manually MVT emails.

OPS - Fuel - access to the tab Fuel in the OPS panel - if set to EDIT, user can add fuel prices.

OPS - JL - access to the Journey Log section (tab FW & JL) - if set to EDIT, user can fill in JL data.

OPS - Maintenance - access to scheduled maintenance which shows in OPS Calendar & OPS Timeline.

OPS - PAX - access to the tab PAX in the OPS panel - if set to EDIT, user can add PAX to flights as well as import PAX data from the file, or export PAX data to the file (Excel).

OPS - Services - access to the tab Services - functionality available only for Flight Support type of operators.

OPS - Show Crew - access to Show Crew section, available upon right-clicking the mouse over the flight.

OPS - Simulator - access to SIM duty in OPS panel - if set to DEIT, user can add/edit SIM duty.

OPS - Subcharter - access to Subcharter flights in OPS Calendar & OPS Timeline (option must be enabled in 3-dot filter, in top-right corner of the screen).

OPS - Trip - access to the tab TRIP in the OPS panel. If set to EDIT, user can assign a client to the trip, move trip to other trip or change trip status.

OPS - Trip Quotation - access to client's name/surname in the tab TRIP, in OPS panel - if set to DENY, Leon hides these details.

OPS - W&B - access to the tab W&B (Weight & Balance) in the OPS panel.

Own Profile - access to user's own profile (Full Profile available upon clicking user's name in top-right corner) - if set to EDIT, user can add/remove details from his/her profile.

Owner Board - access to Owner Board from the menu bar.

Owner App - access to Owner App (available to be downloaded from Appstore) - user must be selected as the aircraft owner in a section Admin > Fleet, tab Sales. Furthermore, in the Phonebook, the user must be selected as a Client and the field 'Account' must be filled in.

PAX Profile - access to PAX profile from the tab PAX in OPS panel.

Phonebook - access to Phonebook - available under the icon, on menu bar.

Phonebook - Export - access to possibility of exporting Phonebook data to Excel file.

Pilot View - access to sections: My Schedule, My Logbook & My Logbook export, in a panel CREW on menu bar.

Positioning - access to crew positioning duties, which show in OPS with the bus-icon.

Refueling - access to Refueling panel, available under OPS section on the menu bar - if set to EDIT, user can add a new refueling and add refueling invoice.

Report Wizard - access to the report Wizard available from the section REPORTS on menu bar.

Reports - Authorities - access to Reports for Authorities, such as: CO2, Cosmic Radiation, International PAX traffic & more.

Reports - Crew - access to Crew reports, such as: Crew Block Time, Crew Currency, Roster Robustness, FTL Violations & more.

Reports - Custom - access to operator's custom reports made by Leon upon operator's request.

Reports - Flight Statistics - access to Flight Statistics reports, such as: Aircraft Flights, Cancelled Flights, Top Destinations, International & Domestic Flights & more.

Reports - Leon - access to a report Outbox, which shows all emails sent from Leon, per a category: Duties Notifications, Certificate Notifications, Flight Changes Notifications, Handling Request Message, MVT Messages & more.

Reports - MX - access to MX reports, such as: Average Oil Consumption & AMOS report.

Reports - OPS - access to OPS reports, such as: Documents, Airport Categories, Fuel Consumption, Handling Agents & more.

Reports - Sales - access to Sales reports, such as: Aircraft Availability, Top 100 Routes & more.

Requests/Quotes/Bookings - access to sections Requests/Quotes & Bookings - if set to EDIT, user can add a quote and send sales documents to the client.

Reservations - access to aircraft reservations, which show in OPS Calendar & OPS Timeline.

SSIM - access to automatic SSIM messages sending (if they're set up in Admin panel).

Sales - Fees - access to Fees section, in Sales panel on menu bar - if set to EDIT, user can define fees per aircraft & airports.

Sales - Ferry Flights - access to Ferry Flights section, in Sales panel on menu bar.

Sales - OPS & Crew tab - access to the tab OPS & CREW in the quote's edition section.

Sched - access to SCHED panel on menu bar - if set to EDIT, user can create schedules, publish them to OPS panel or import/export data to SSIM or Excel.

Sched - Fleet Planning - access to Fleet Planning panel - if set to EDIT, user can assign aircraft to routes, which will affect aircraft assignment in OPS panel.

Subcharter's Services Requests - access to subcharter's multi-leg requests - if set to EDIT, user can right-click on the subcharter flight (in OPS Calendar or OPS Timeline) and open multi-leg requests panel.

Copying settings from other group of Privileges

'Copy from' dropdown field

When accessing the privileges DETAILS tab, you'll notice a “Copy from” dropdown field. This field enables you to select any existing privilege group as a source for copying.

The copying process includes:

- Details

- Aircraft settings

- All elements from the Settings tab

These elements will be transferred comprehensively from the selected source group to your current group.

The feature streamlines the process of setting up new privilege groups or modifying existing ones by eliminating the need to manually recreate multiple settings across different sections. You'll receive a complete package of configurations including privileges, aircraft assignments, and general settings all at once.


In this section, it is possible to define how access to aircraft is determined for crew members within the same 'Privileges' group. These modifications will significantly improve safety by enabling operators to reduce the number of crew 'Privileges' groups and minimize the number of individuals requiring 'System Administrator' access.

On the 'Privileges' group's > 'AIRCRAFT' tab, you'll find a new switch 'Aircraft List', offering two options:

  • Fixed - this option enables keeping the previous approach of assigning aircraft access for crew members by selecting checkboxes corresponding to the specific aircraft tails
  • Aircraft preferred crew - this option enables granting access to the crew members for specific aircraft tails based on their assignments as 'Preferred Crew', which is managed in the 'Fleet' section under the 'Crew' tab. By choosing this crew members will have only privileged access to those tails where they are set as 'Preferred Crew'
  • Aircraft owned - this option enables granting access to users defined as 'Owners' of particular aircraft tails. Owners can be defined in the 'Fleet' section under the 'Sales' tab. By choosing this option only Owners will have access to the tails


Settings tab has the following options available:

  • Show not confirmed flights - applies to OPS views (Table, Calendar, and Timeline). If the checkbox is ticked, the user will see non-confirmed flights (Options and Opportunities)
  • Allow editing closed Journey Logs - applies to OPS views as well as the 'Journey Log' section in Crew App. If ticked, the user will be able to edit the Journey Log with the 'Closed' status
  • Can see only crews assigned directly to the aircraft on Crew Calendar and Crew Timeline - only the crew that are assigned to any aircraft to which a User has privileges will be available in the Crew planning sections
  • Users can only see the office they are assigned to - applies to the operators with more than one Office/Base. If this checkbox is ticked, the user will only be able to see the activities within own Base/Office
  • Can modify flight's AOC - applies to the users with the privileges to edit flight data. If the checkbox is unmarked the users of the group will not be able to change 'AOC' in a tab 'FLIGHT' of the 'OPS' panel
  • Can open invoices - settings that allows previewing and editing closed sales invoices
  • Can print OPS documents and Can print sales documents - options that allow a group of privileges to preview/print the OPS/Sales documents in the OPS sections and the Crew App
  • Show crew contact details in Crew App - My Schedule - this setting restricts the preview of the Crew contact information in the Crew tab in 'My Schedule' section

Setting up privileges

You can set up privileges for the existing group of users (click on the group and use the filter) or create a brand new group. To create a new group click add new group's name, select tails and define access level.

To add users to the new group open a tab USERS and click a button + ADD USER - Leon will open a drop-down list with all users. Select a person/persons and save. You can also add users into the new group by going to a section Settings > Users where you should edit the user's profile and assign the group. When creating a new user profile you can assign the group straight away by selecting one from the Permission group drop-down box.

In a tab DETAILS you can find Places - particular sections in Leon - for which you can either the access to the section, let the user be able to the section, or to be able to also it.

Most Places in a tab DETAILS are self-explaining, the other ones are described below.

  • Admin - System Administrator - gives access to the group of settings under the System subsection in the 'Admin Panel'
  • Admin - Operational Administrator - gives access to the settings under the General Settings, Fleet, and Crew subsections in the 'Admin Panel'
  • Crew - access to the section CREW on the menu-bar: Crew Members & Per Diems - all other CREW sections in the drop-down box, such as Crew Panel, Crew Endorsements, Duties, Crew Input Table, Crew Activities are set up separately. Sections My Schedule, My Logbook & My Logbook export are visible to all Leon users.
  • Crew Duty Roster - access to sections Duties & Crew Activities.
  • Crew Profile - access to a tab CREW of the right filter (if OPS > Crew is switched on).
  • Handling - access to the section HANDLING on the menu-bar: Homebase Handling Requests, Fuel Prices & Custom Airports. A section Refueling is switched on separately.
  • Handling Requests - access to Handling Requests in the Checklist panel (if OPS & Checklist OPS are also switched on).
  • PAX Profile - if switched on, User has access to the tab PAX of the right filter and PAX profile window.
  • Sales - access to the section SALES on the menu-bar.
  • Requests/Quotes - access to the 'Requests/Quotes' panel of the SALES menu-bar section along with pages Fleet & Fees. 'Requests/Quotes' section is only available if all the aircraft is marked in the 'Aircraft' tab of a group. If at least one aircraft is not marked Leon will display 'You don't have the privileges to access this page' information.
Once a new aircraft is added into Leon, it will become visible to users of the group with all tails marked in a tab AIRCRAFT of the filter. Groups with specified tails marked will not have access to that new tail.

Changes history

Changes history is available for tabs:

  • Details
  • Users
  • Aircraft

The history will contain the change timestamp, the user making the change, as well as the setting changed.

Mobile app privileges

We have added separate privileges settings for Leon mobile app.

There are 4 options which can be turned on/off for Crew:

  1. Crew App - Activity Details - the view on the duty calendar is enabled by privilege OPS 'VIEW', selecting 'Activity Details' to 'DENY' where 'OPS' is turned on to 'VIEW' will not disable the calendar. Selecting 'EDIT' makes possible editing of crew reporting times.
  2. Crew App - Checklist - selecting 'DENY' disables the view on the Checklist panel in the mobile app.
  3. Crew App - Duty Requests - select 'DENY' to disable possibility of requesting duties by crew viaa mobile app. Select 'EDIT' or 'VIEW' to enable this option.
  4. Crew App - JL - when selected 'DENY' crew will not be able to fill in JL via app - switch to 'EDIT' to enable this option.
  5. Crew App - PAX - selecting 'DENY' disables the view on PAX panel in the mobile app.
leon/new-privileges.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/08 10:03 by kredel