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Fleet - the general view on the list of aircraft

Managing the fleet in Leon is easy and handy. This section allows you to sort all essential information about aircraft in many ways. You can either display all types of aircraft or just one, you can hide tails that are not being used or view only ACMI aircraft.

If the 'Status' filter is set to 'Active' only active aircraft will be available in the 'Type' filter dropdown list

Fleet main page shows details such as registration, type, serial number, default flight number (defined in aircraft profile), MTOW, capacity, status, ACMI, base and the price.

It the aircraft is marked as 'not used' or 'deleted' (in its profile), the status-dot is red. The same applies if the aircraft is excluded from billing (which is subject to Terms and Conditions and agreement with Leon Software Ltd.).

A column Price shows the price Leon charges based on an aircraft MTOW. There are 3 price compartments:

  1. MTOW 0 - 50 000 lbs - 299 € per a tail.
  2. MTOW 50 000 - 110 000 lbs - 499 € per a tail.
  3. MTOW > 110 000 lbs - 699 € per a tail.

Aircraft edition

The aircraft edition panel is divided into 4 separate sections: BASIC, OPS, SALES and PERFORMANCE. Right below you can see an aircraft status: Active, Not Used or Deleted. Here you can also mark a checkbox ACMI if the tail is temporary leased or sub chartered aircraft by your company. Next to it you can see the price that Leon charges for the particular aircraft.


Aircraft edition - basic details

This page shows basic aircraft information and is split into a few sections, such as:

  1. AIRCRAFT TYPE - mandatory data is: the aircraft Name, Short name, IATA code and the aircraft registration. Additional data is: SELCAL (selective-calling number which can alert an aircraft's crew that a ground radio station wishes to communicate with the aircraft), aircraft phone number and Sat phone, PAX capacity and Maximum Cargo. Here, you can also assign Labels to the aircraft which will then allow you to filter by label in the OPS view > Aircraft filter
  2. HOME BASE - mandatory data is: Leon home base (select the base defined in General Setting for your operator) & ICAO home base. Additional data is: year of production & serial number
  3. ADDITIONAL ICAO - option to insert additional ICAO Codes for Aircraft Home Bases. Especially useful when there are 3 airports in close proximity that can be considered as the Aircraft Home Base, eg LFPB, LFPO and LFPG for Paris, France
  4. UNITS - mandatory data is: MTOW (in a default unit defined in General Settings - Leon always shows suggested MTOW for a particular aircraft type). Additional data is: weight unit, cargo weight, fuel unit (also displayed in Journey Log for fuel inputs), Operator/ICAO code (Leon will show the operator name or a code on the Handling Requests form) and the Address. 'MZFW' stands for Maximum Zero Fuel Weight and can also be defined in 'Units' section and indicated in weight unit.


This tab shows OPS related information of the aircraft, of which the mandatory ones are: Max fuel & Burn fuel on taxi (per h).

The additional data is:

Aircraft 'Rescue & Fire fighting categories
RFF categories FAA
  • Table view colour - the aircraft colour displayed in a section OPS > Table.
  • No handling needed at home base - if marked, Leon will not require sending handling requests email.
  • Default ICAO type - select N-non-scheduled, S-scheduled, G-general, X-other or M-military.
  • Default trip type - select amongst Operator default (as set up in General Settings), Flight for Owner, Training, Technical, Ambulance, Other, PAX Charter, Cargo. If a specific trip type is not assigned, a default trip type from General Settings will apply.
  • Default flight rule - select IFR, VFR or other rules.
  • ICAO noise category - the standard of the aircraft noise: Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 10 or Chapter 14.
  • Rescue & fire fighting category(PAX/FERRY) - an option to select the appropriate category depending on the aircraft length (see screenshot on the right) and depending on whether the flight is with PAX/0PAX or a FERRY flight.
  • Rescue & fire fighting category FAA - categories according to FAA Part 139.315 rules - add A,B,C,D or E (see screenshot on the right for categories explanation).
  • Minimum runway length - add the length in meters and if this value is greater than the airport's minimum length, Leon will a warning: 'The runway length is too short for this aircraft' in sections: OPS & Requests/Quotes.
  • Equipment codes - used in the panel Settings > Email templates > Permits and in Documents Manager.
  • AOC - option to assign the aircraft to specific FTL rules when adding an aircraft. Once it is saved it can only be changed by Leon Support Team (contact)
  • Fuel type - select fuel type used by the tail - it can be used for CO2 calculation displayed on Sales documents.
  • Max - maximum block fuel for the tail (if the value in Journey Log's block fuel exceeds Max value, Leon shows a warning).
  • Burn on taxi (per h) - average taxi fuel burn per hour.
  • Flight number - default flight number displayed automatically in a section OPS when adding a new trip.
  • Increase by one - if marked, adding a flight within one trip will by default increase the flight number by one (ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, …) if the previous leg ends with any number.
  • Eurocontrol tracking - option allows selecting whether the aircraft should be connected to the Eurocontrol:
    • No Tracking - aircraft excluded for the Eurocontrol integration
    • Tracking - aircraft included in the Eurocontrol integration. Full Flight Watch received
    • Tracking (CTOT only) - aircraft included in the Eurocontrol integration. Only CTOT received from the Eurocontrol
  • Enable Eurocontrol tracking (private flights) -If enabled and if Eurocontrol integration is activated, then flights of this aircraft will be tracked by Eurocontrol integration, regardless of whether the flight is identified by the flight number including the operator’s ICAO designator, or by the aircraft registration
  • Default OPS Notes - all information added into this field will appear by default in the OPS Notes section in the 'FLIGHT' tab
  • Tripsheet Notes - all information added into this field will appear on Trip Sheet document


Tab SALES main view

In this panel, you can add data such as:

Owners - type an aircraft owner/owners name/surname, so that the owner can use Owner Mobile app. You can only add an aircraft owner as long as he/she is added to the Phonebook and marked as 'Client'.

Requires owner approval - allows requesting the consent, via email, from the Aircraft owner to perform the trip on the aircraft at a given time. More information about the functionality in Requests/Quotes.

Default client for owner flights - applies to the situation when the 'Flight for owner' type of trip is added in the OPS module

Passenger Reservation Booking Designator - used in sending ASM messages to DCS & PSS systems.

Airport Fees & Aircraft Fees (previously set up in a section SALES > FEES).

Default commercial - here you can define whether a default trip should be automatically set as commercial or not.

UK APD Class - selection between None, Reduced, Standard, or Higher.

Preferred handling - possibility of selecting a preferred handler at a particular airport - Leon will use this information when adding a flight in OPS, or when booking a quote in Sales panel.

Flight time annual/monthly target - annual/monthly aircraft targets inserted in HHHH:mm format. Values are available in the 'Aircraft Flight Time Target Annual/Monthly' in the Report Wizard > scope 'Flight'

Allocate ferry flight time if no positionings added - this feature will trigger the inserted value HH:mm format in quote when 'Ferry flight fee' pricing item is active and no ferry flights are added.

Positioning flights policy - this option allows selecting the way of generating the ferry flights within the request. There are 2 options available:

  • Fixed Base - Fixed base takes value from the Home Base in the main setting making a quote including ferry flight back to home base
  • Floating base - added positioning depends on the values inserted in the 'Positioning' and 'Repositioning' threshold fields. More information on the functionality can be found 'Floating Base' functionality

Cost Center - allows to specify a cost center for an aircraft


In this section it is possible to assign default email templates created in Settings > Email Templates section to the specific aircraft.

Currently, the following templates are available:

  • Charter agreement
  • Flight Brief
  • Quote invoice
  • Sales Panel Message - message created directly in 'MESSAGES' tab in the request edit section

If the template is not assigned, Leon will select the first email template created in 'Email templates' section.


Here it is possible to select default sales documents templates, which will show when adding quotes for a particular tail.

Available documents templates are:

  • Charter agreement
  • Flight Brief
  • Quote invoice


This subsection allows inserting the amenities available on the aircraft and including the list of amenities in the sales documents.

Aircraft Amenities

Currently, available amenities are as follow:

  • Smoking - checkbox indicating an available smoking area on the aircraft
  • Wifi - checkbox indicating available wifi on the aircraft
  • WiFi - selection with following options:
    • Internet via Satcom
    • KA Band
    • KU Band
    • SBB (Swift BroadBand)
    • Iridium
  • WiFi cost - an indication of the cost of wifi
  • US DECAL - text field
  • Part 129 - text field
  • 3D weblink - text field where URL to virtual aircraft model can be pasted
  • A/C Spec Sheet weblink - text field where URL to aircraft specifications can be pasted
  • Email address -email address
  • ACARS Email address - ACARS email address
  • Mobile2 - 2nd mobile phone number
  • Mobile3 - 3rd mobile phone number
  • Cabin width - an indication of the width of the cabin
  • Cabin length - an indication of the length of the cabin

These fields are not a direct part of the quoting process.

The relevant fields can be filled in and used on the Sales Documents such as Charter Agreement.


An interesting option is a possibility of uploading pictures for the particular aircraft and then make it displayed in your 'Requests/Quotes' panel documents with the help of Documents Manager, where in Available Data > Aircraft you can find an item 'Pictures' to be used.


In this section, the default pricing elements can be set up such as:

  • Aircraft/Airport Fees - default fees per aircraft
  • Quotation method - selection between 'Price based' and 'Costs & margin'
    • Default margin - appears only when 'Costs & margin' method is selected


In this tab you can define:

  • Minimum required Cockpit & Cabin crew - Leon takes it into consideration when it comes to applying augmented or double crew max FDP extension. If i.e.: min. cockpit is 2 pilots, then augmented is 3 pilots and double is 4.
  • Rest Facility - define a default in-flight rest facility for a particular tail (which Leon will show in a tab Flight of the OPS panel.
  • Preferred crew - here you can select preferred crew for a particular aircraft. This kind of selection will be used in Crew Calendar panel, to group crew by an aircraft.


Here you can add the aircraft performance data which will be used for calculating STA time on all trips on the particular tail.

Available field are: Average fuel consumption (selected fuel unit/hour), Climb rate (ft/min), Descent rate (ft/min), Max Flight Level, Max range with '0' PAX (NM), Max range with max PAX (NM) and Minimum Ground Time (when you add a new trip and the difference between STA of the last leg and STD of the new leg is less than 'Minimum Ground Time' set in this field, Leon will display a warning message. This value will also be used as a Rotation time for the aircraft and subsequently, towards Rotation prognosis calculation in the TIMELINE view.).

A field Minimum flight time is being used in Requests/Quotes panel, if the calculated flight time is shorter than this value (in minutes).

Below you can select which calculation model you want Leon to apply.


The advanced calculation model can be useful on short haul flights, as it is more accurate if it comes to calculating STA.

Insert the IFR Route Factor (%) - here you can increase GCD (Great Circle Distance).

Leon first calculates the distance between ADEP & ADES, the the distance is increased by the IFR factor. Then a profile is checked - if, for example, the Distance between ADEP & ADES is 400 NM, Leon will use distance profile added for 500 NM (as in the screenshot). And in the end, “Miles to Climb” distance is subtracted from GCD

Advanced aircraft performance settings

Define DISTANCE PROFILES - use + icon to add more entries.

  • Distance [NM]
  • Miles to Climb [NM]
  • Climb Time [hh:mm]
  • Cruise speed [kts]


Add the aircraft speed adding details into 'From' & 'Cruise speed' fields (just like in the old Fleet version), by defining speed per hour of the flight, i.e.:

00:00 275 (knots)

01:00 425 (knots)

The winds database will allow for more accurate flight time calculations in OPS and SALES sections. The winds data is available here.


Tab SYSTEM allows to add predefined MVT rules (imported from Admin > Email Templates > MVT Messages section) to the aircraft.

By clicking Rules field, Leon shows all available rules - it is possible to add multiple rules to one tail.

A functionality hidden behind the icon allows to apply rules from the other aircraft.

Virtual Fleet

List of virtual aircraft in Fleet settings

The tab VIRTUAL FLEET allows creating a list of virtual aircraft, which are free of charge. There is no limit as to the number of aircraft available. Aircraft added here can be treated as regular tails and be used to plan the schedule ahead without creating the confirmed schedule. The process of creating the list is flexible and up the operator - the tails can be copies of the actual fleet or any types that suit the company policy.

In order to add a new aircraft click and fill out the form.

Virtual aircraft in Calendar view

Once added to the list the aircraft will be visible in all views (Table, Calendar & Timeline) of the OPS panel. The order of displaying the aircraft can be set using the option AIRCRAFT in any of the schedule views, where Active (+Virtual) or All has to be selected in the filter in order to view the virtual aircraft. The order is set up by dragging and dropping the tail in the list.

The virtual tails can be used just like the regular tails in order to plan the schedule in a panel SCHED which is the functionality allowing you to build and manage the schedules. Functionality is designed with Airlines in mind. However, it still can be used by business and charter operators to build schedules if need be.

leon/fleet-setup.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/22 13:32 by bartek