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Fuel Prices

Fuel prices list

If you are a holder of fuel cards, such as WFS, Shell, JetEx, etc…, you can upload current fuel prices into Leon. All uploaded prices show in a section OPS, tab FUEL of the right-hand filter.

You can also mark fuel supplier as favourite. This will highlight the supplier in the FUEL tab in the OPS section.

Fuel files which have 2 prices included in the file: Base price & Total price - will show now Total price. This applies to companies: AEG, AirBP Sterling, CS Fuel, EVO, Euro Jet, Flightworx, Fuel & More and Jetex.

Uploading fuel prices files

Fuel prices from the uploaded fuel files obtained from fuel suppliers

Go to menu' OPS > Fuel prices' page and upload particular files in formats .xls, .xlsx or .csv. Once this is done you need to save it (bottom of the screen). Right below the card-name you will notice information: Last updated:DD-MM-YYYY with icon 'delete' next to it. The system updates the prices after 24 h from the last download.

To view uploaded prices, you need to enter airport code in the 'Fuel prices at selected airport' part of the page. You will see a list of available fuel suppliers together with the price, minimum quantity required, currency, last updated and expiry date. By clicking you can get rid of unwanted fuel cards.

It is possible to select different fuel units (GAL, L or T) in columns: Base Price & Total Price - as long as an uploaded fuel file contains 2 types of the fuel price. If a fuel file has only 1 fuel price, Leon will show 0 in Fuel Prices page in the column price that is missing in the file

It is possible to sort the prices at selected airport alphabetically by Card or by Price.

If there is more than one price for the selected airport, Leon will mark the lowest one in green. If you want to add a custom fuel price, click on the icon Add custom fuel price and a new pop-up window will be displayed. Fill in mandatory fields and custom price will appear on the list for the selected airport. That added price can be edited at any time to add missing data or to change some details.

Converting GALLON to TON the density used is 0,798102878 KG/L, so the convertion is 1T = 331 US GAL.
If, after uploading a fuel file into Leon, fuel prices don't show up or don't match the file - please check the format of the newest file with the previous one. Check if columns in the last succesfully uploaded file match with the new file - they have to be EXACTLY the same.

Reference fuel price

Global reference fuel price setting in OPS → Fuel Prices

It is possible to define global reference fuel price, to have a fuel price index calculated regardless of the supplier. You can set it up in OPS → Fuel Prices.

The price set up in OPS → Fuel Prices will be used to calculate the fuel price index, which will be shown in the Fuel tab on flights in OPS, regardless of the supplier.

The index will show the difference (in percentages) between the price offered by a supplier and the reference price.

If the index is positive (the price offered is higher than the reference) the indication is red. If the difference is negative (the price offered is lower than the reference), the indication is green.

Adding custom fuel prices

To add custom fuel price click + icon next to an airport code and select fuel card, select or fill in fuel supplier, add fuel price that has been negotiated with the fuel supplier, select currency and add notes, if necessary.

If you want the lowest price to be displayed on your 'Trip Sheet' document, tick the box 'Show on Trip Sheet'.

If required, we can add a new fuel card or a new fuel uploader to the list of the existing ones - please contact in this matter.


When uploading fuel prices files to Leon, not all of them consist of both: 'Base' (excluding taxes) and 'Total' price (including taxes). To make it possible viewing both fuel prices in panels: Fuel Prices & OPS > tab FUEL, we have made it possible uploading a file with Country tax rates.

A file itself needs to be created as per the format below - only 2 columns are needed: Country and Total Taxes.

A column 'Country' can have inserted either country name (Argentina), country code (ARG) or iso code (AR).

A value from 'Total Taxes' column will update fuel prices for airports of a country from this file:

  • Total price = 'Base price' multiplied by 'Total Taxes' value.
  • Base price = 'Total price' divided by 'Total Taxes' value.

What's important is that inside the file, the sheet's name must be 'Fuel Taxes', otherwise it will not work.

Country tax rates from uploaded file

Once the file is ready, go to OPS > Fuel Prices panel and use an uploader Upload countries tax rates.

Uploaded fuel taxes will show on the main 'Fuel Prices' page in a column Country tax rate (see screenshot on the right).

In a panel OPS, tab FUEL, if you switch between 'BASE' & 'TOTAL', Leon will show prices accordingly, as per an example below: the tax rate for Germany has been defined to '3' and Leon shows 'Total' price as 'Base' price multiplied by '3'.

If the fuel file uploaded to Leon already contained both prices: 'Base' & 'Total', Leon will not update them.

Mineral Oil Tax

Together with Country Tax rates, Leon now also allows uploading Mineral Oil Tax rates.

'Mineral Tax Oil' upload

The rates are loaded in the standard way, just like tax rates, by uploading a file in the appropriate format ine the OPS > 'Fuel prices' section.

It is important that the tab within the file containing the rates is named MOT and VAT.

Once the file is uploaded, the Tax, MOT, and VAT rates will appear in the Country tax rate column when hovering the mouse over the ? icon.

The correct file formats that can be uploaded are presented below:

  • File format that contains the 'Total Tax' information only

  • New file format that includes tax rates based on the type of operations

Base Price calculation in OPS

After uploading the file, the fuel prices in the tab 'FUEL' in OPS are being recalculated accordingly:

  • If the Fuel File contains the Total price value, then this price is prioritized and the values from the 'MOT' and 'VAT' columns are omitted
  • If the 'Total price' column is not included or empty:
  • Total Fuel Price = (Base + MOT) x (1 + VAT)
  • Base Fuel Price = (Total Fuel Price / (1 + VAT)) - MOT

The MOT rate is fixed at USD/GAL, therefore it is converted to the units configured for an operator or an aircraft.

Leon also differentiates the costs of both commercial and non-commercial flights are taken into account.

leon/fuel-prices.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:07 (external edit)