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Leon can help you to track all aircraft refuelings. In the main section Refueling you can view details of previously inserted data. Also, fuel details added in this page can be viewed i.e. in Raport Wizard.

New Refueling

Refuelings - adding a new refueling & the invoice

To add a new refueling go to OPS > Refueling and click on 'New refueling' icon. This will take you to a new window where a few details need to be filled in.

Refueling screen is divided into 2 sections: Receipt and Invoice.

  • Receipt - fill in available fields of which the most important are: airport, date and aircraft. Once the date and aircraft have been added, Leon will show available flights to be selected. You can also choose fuel supplier from the drop-down list, the aviation card as well as add the card number, and select the fuel type. Quantity of fuel is a mandatory field to be filled in - Leon will not allow you to save refueling without this data.
  • Invoice - this section does not have to be filled in with details to save the refueling - it is an optional section. Details will show in the main screen.

You can also upload files which appear in the main screen, in the column Documents

Unrefueled legs

Unrefueled legs - an option to add a new refueling

Next to New refueling link in a section Refueling there is a link Unrefueled legs. Click it to find out which fuel receipts have not been added yet.

Click on to go to the 'Refueling' screen and add missing data. You can always add a new refueling for unrefueled legs by using 'new refueling' option and specifying airport, aircraft, date & quantity of fuel.


Leon shows flights in Unrefueled Legs panel only if Block fuel on the current flight is greater than Remaining fuel + offset on the previous flight (offset is being defined by us in database per operator request).

leon/refueling.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:07 (external edit)