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Owner Mobile app

Owner app logging in window
Owner app list of Flight Requests
Owner app Flight Request edition

Leon Owner mobile app has been created for the aircraft owners, for quick & smooth adding, viewing and editing of the owner Flight Requests.

The app can be downloaded for free and is available for iOS and Android device users. In the App store type in Leon Owner in the search box and install the application.

In order to use Owner app, user must be selected as the aircraft owner in a section Settings > Fleet, tab Sales. Furthermore, in Phonebook, the user must be selected as a Client and the field 'Account' must be filled in.

Once the app has been downloaded, click on the icon and a logging in window will show - enter your login & password (the same you use for Leon web-version).

Right after logging in Leon will show all Flight Requests added for the aircraft of the owner as well as for any other tails made available for the owner in the panel Privileges (a setting 'Owner app' must be switched to EDIT in a tab Details). Tap on the particular Flight Request and the window will expand - times will also show as (UTC + hh:mm) and ADEP & ADES city and name will get displayed.

To add a new Flight Request click the icon and Leon will show a new window, to be filled in.


The app will show your aircraft in Select Aircraft section.


Type an airport code for airport of departure & airport of destination and the app will show suggestion. Click the airport and press OK.


Tap this field and select the date from the calendar.

Departure & Arrival

Click these fields to add departure & arrival times.


Tap this field to enter PAX number.

PAX List

Click this field to define PAX in the request. Search for a particular passenger using name or surname. In case when a few travel documents are added to the PAX profile document details will be visible under the name of the PAX. If the PAX is not visible please click ADD NEW.

Once all details are inserted, click SAVE - the app will show an information: Succesfully saved - tap to dismiss.

All added Flight Requests in Owner mobile app will automatically show in the Requests/Quotes panel with the indication: in a column 'Updated'.

In order to edit any of the Flight Requests click on it. To delete a Flight Request click ADD LEG and then icon.

owner-app/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:07 (external edit)