This panel allows you to add crew to the flight, add missing crew positions, check FTL calculations and verify crew passport's data.
The tab CREW is divided into 3 parts:
Each part has a status dot on the right hand side. If the dot is red in either part, it means that the passport can be invalid or missing (Passport part), or there is FTL violation (FTL part). The dot by the Crew name is a representative of the two other dots. If either of them is red, the dot by the Crew name will turn red as well.
Adding new crew to Leon can be done from a tab CREW by clicking the icon placed right next to crew names.
In an User Edit screen you need to insert a few mandatory details, such as: Name, Surname, Code, Permission group, Login and Sex. All other details are optional.
You can also add passport details from this screen (1 or more) and attach a scan or number of scans.
Separate tab Ratings allows to add appropriate aircraft positions to each new crew.
The alternative ways of adding new crew to Leon are explained in Users chapter.
You can add Tags to your crew by editing their profile in the right-hand filter, tab CREW (click icon ).
Here, when clicking on the field Labels you can select one - as long as labels have been defined in a section Phonebook.
It is possible to add multiple labels and they can also be removed. Tags appear in a section OPS, in a column 'Tags', next to the right-hand filter.
If you click on any crew member's code in the Flights List Leon will open a tab CREW in the right-hand filter.
The tab shows all assigned crew along with not assigned positions (they can be defined in section Admin > Functions). It is possible to add missing crew positions by clicking + ADD POSITION.
The crew part of the tab shows the position (CPT, FO, FA1, etc…), crew code (added in crew profile), the name.
To add a crew member simply click on the field and Leon will open a drop-down box with the available crew. On top, there are crew members assigned to an aircraft in the 'CREW' tab in the Settings > Fleet. Below, the crew at homebase, and below that (on a darker background) you can find crew out of homebase.
The information on the crew-belt contains (apart from crew code & name) current duty that the crew is assigned to in Crew Duties, monthly and yearly block time done so far by the crew.
In this section, you can also choose Pilot in Command (PIC). To do it simply click on PIC information. Leon will display other available assigned cockpit crew. Choose one of the pilots and click 'SAVE' to apply changes. Once PIC is selected, one will also be displayed in the COM column in the TABLE section of OPS.
When you remove a pilot flying as a PIC from the cockpit crew, Leon will switch the PIC code to the next highest rating, as per below:
If a crew member has assigned an OFF duty in the roster (day off, holiday, sickness), Leon shows duty in name in red (tab CREW, when selecting crew member).
But even if the crew planner has assigned a crew member to the flight, who had already OFF duty added to the roster, Leon will highlight the crew code in yellow - as long as the Caution 'Planned crew on Off duty' is switched on in the 3-dots filter (top-right corner of the application).
When you add a multiple-leg trip to Leon from a section OPS > TABLE you don't have to add the same crew members by clicking one leg by one and selecting crew in a right-hand filter (tab CREW).
Right now Leon will automatically copy crew inserted to the 1st leg to the other legs, as long as the trip is on the same aircraft type.
On the attached screenshot you can see that all crew members were added only to the first leg. The the other 3 legs were added and once the trip was saved Leon displayed the same crew for all 3 legs.
This option also works if you add a single leg with crew, save it and then after some time add more legs to that trip - Leon would also copy crew from the 1st leg to the other ones.
It is also possible to copy crew to the number of legs within one trip manually by using a button Copy crew (tab CREW, right next to 'Add position').
In order for this function to work properly certain conditions have to be met:
You can still check FTL calculations before saving as Leon will recalculate FDP and duty times during the process.
A tab Other allows to select crew members with whom the edited crew member should not fly with (for whatever reasons). Click on the field and select person/persons from the list.
Once it is saved, when a crew planner has assigned crew with someone from a restricted list, Leon will show a caution (crew code highlighted in yellow) - as long as in the 3-dot filter (section 'Cautions') a checkbox 'Do not fly with' is marked.
The section FTL CALCULATIONS shows actual FTL data for assigned crew members, as well as their limits. The section is divided into 2 parts:
Any FTL violation results in crew details turning red. A red 'X' also shows right next to the exceeded value.
To change reporting times - Reporting On and Reporting Off - for a particular crew member:, click on the crew code and the tab CREW will open in the right-hand filter. Right below the crew code there is FTL CALCULATIONS panel - click on it to open FTL details section.
Leon shows Report On right below AUTO. To manually change it click on M icon and adjust it. If necessary do the same with Report Off time.
To change reporting times (Report On/Report Off) to all crew from default values to the manual value, go to the right-hand filter, tab CREW and click a link SELECT ALL. Here open a section FTL CALCULATIONS and click a button , then add new reporting times, which will apply to all crew.
Once new reporting times have applied, if you add a new crew member to the trip, he will have those new reporting times assigned.
Using an option of manual split/merge defining by clicking the icon is not possible in a 'SELECT ALL' panel - it is possible ONLY when editing a single crew reporting times.
Any manual change in FTL Calculations section is highlighted in yellow (see example below). If you hover the mouse over highlighted part, Leon will show an information what has been changed.
It is possible now to connect and disconnect FDP sectors.
This functionality is located in FTL Calculations section in tab CREW.
Here, you can see icon. When you click on this icon following options will appear, depending on the location of the icon:
In order to divide Split Duty or Possible rest into 2 separate duties you need to use 'Disconnect' function. This function is only available if the difference between STA of the sector before break and STD of the sector after the break is 06:01h or more. If JL is entered, Leon calculates from BLON of the prior sector to BLOFF of the following sector after the break.
We have added a possibility of manually switching off and on the FDP extension.
This option is located in the tab CREW in the 'Duty & FDP Sectors' of 'FTL Calculations'.
The FDP+ checkbox is displayed when FDP extension rules apply. If extension requires planning, 'FDP+' will only display when extension has been planned.
To activate the checkbox simply click on 'EDIT' button in the 'FTL Calculations' section.
The way the 'FDP+' checkbox works is very simple:
Hovering the mouse over the 'FDP+' will inform you of the current status of the FDP extension.
Using 'FDP+' automatically recalculates Max FDP Limit and does not require saving.
There are 2 modes of rest reduction currently available in Leon:
Manual Rest reduction can be enabled in Settings > Flight editing by ticking 'Require manual enabling of rest reduction' checkbox.
Once the checkbox is ticked, rest reduction does not apply automatically to the newly added flights. Instead, the Operator is switched from the 'auto mode' to the 'manual mode' and rest reduction is disabled by default.
In order to apply the rest reduction, you need to edit crew Duty&FDP sectors' subsection in the tab CREW > FTL CALCULATIONS (OPS view). Click on the icon depending on the place you'd like to apply the reduction to and choose one of the following:
This functionality applies to the Operators which have below regulation included in OM-7 regarding Rest at Home Base:
Minimum rest period away from home base during a rotation which includes a rest period at a crew member’s home base may be applied only if the crew member does not rest at his/her residence, or temporary accommodation, because the Airline provides suitable accommodation. This type of roster is known as “back-to-back operation”.
It is now possible to mark if the hotel (read: suitable accommodation) was used during the crew rest at Home Base. This will then equal rest period at Home Base to the one outside Home Base.
Applying it is quite easy:
'Add hotel' will recalculate the rest at Home Base and equal the minimum required to the value of min rest required outside Home Base, subject to preceding duty being shorter than min rest at Home Base.
After it is applied, the Rest figure in 'Duty & FDP Sectors' will be highlighted yellow and 'Hotel provided' information will display upon hovering the mouse.
Below are 2 examples of calculations including 'Add hotel' function:
Example 1.
Example 2.
By editing the crew profile you can add passports to his/her profile. In a column 'Default' you can mark which passport should be used as default.
In a tab CREW, section 'Passports', it is possible to select a different passport for departure & different for arrival. Selected passports will appear on the Crew Tripsheet document (as long as in Documents Manager it is properly set up) and on the Handling Requests sheet.
Default passport is displayed automatically. By clicking the + icon you can select another passport, which should be used for arrival, or you can use the icon to remove the default passport for departure and change the order.
If the passport is expired the expiry date, as well as the status dot, will both turn red. You can add a new passport, edit and amend passport details by clicking on the icon. Here you can also add scans to the relevant passport as well as edit some of the person's information such as Favourite, dislikes, and Important information. You can also add and remove Labels.
If the passport is set as unavailable, the status dot will be red, and the expiry date will be N/A. The tooltip of the status dot will show you the explanation, that the selected passport is currently unavailable.
It is possible to upload multiple scans/files to the passenger's passport section. If the scans are uploaded, the link to the scan will appear in the Files column in the 'TRAVEL DOCUMENT' details.
To add a visa for the crew, edit crew profile, click a button and add visa's details:
Adding details of visas to OPS documents (Trip Sheet and Gendec), can be obtained from Documents Manager panel, by using items under visaList.
When assigning crew to the trip in the OPS panel, Leon will now check the visa validity (issued for the country of destination), when showing the dot colour in a tab CREW (red for expired documents, green for valid).
Below there is an example of crew flying to US airport JFK, who's US visa is expired:
Leon shows red dot colour in a tab CREW:
This section shows all certificates of the selected crew member with certificates names and expiry dates. The panel is divided into 2 sections:
Leon will highlight a crew code in red in OPS if there are any expired certificates required for dispatch - hover the mouse over a crew code to see details.
The staple icon shows if a certificate has a file attached. For more information regarding Crew Endorsements check THIS CHAPTER.
This section shows the validity of the 'Airport recency' and 'Online familiarization' requirements for the airports included in the Schedule.
The section is divided into 2 columns:
The status is indicated by the color in the 'Expires' column:
The dot indicates the status of the validity of the training and is included in the dot indicating the Crew's overall status in the tab 'CREW'
The 'ACKNOWLEDGMENTS' subsection indicates whether the crew member has familiarized himself/herself with the changes to flight duties.
The changes are indicated on the mobile device by displaying a push notification. More information about mobile push notifications functionality can be found here.
The 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' displays 3 statuses:
Crew currency section shows information about the number of take-offs & landings performed by a particular pilot within a pre-defined period of time.
Leon shows the name of the currency (previously turned on in a section Settings > Crew Currency) along with the expiry date.
For more information regarding Crew Currency click on THIS LINK.
Vaccinations section lists the diseases against which the Crew have been vaccinated.
These are the details inserted in the crew profiles > 'Vaccinations' subsection.
It contains the following details:
Clicking on icon will display the link to the file attached in the crew profile. It is possible to click on the file and preview it.