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Crew Currency

Crew Currency - the general view

Leon allows you to monitor crew currency: 90 days cockpit currency, 60 days singe-pilot currency, 180 days cabin crew currency and many others.

Currencies such as: 2D, 2D+AZI, 2D+CDI, 3D - are for Australian operators only.

You can check the number of currency days left to expire by hovering the mouse over the status-dot right next to the crew name in a section Crew > Duties.

To turn the feature on go to Settings > Crew Currency and mark appropriate checkboxes. You can change number of days and number of take offs/landings manually as well as insert number of block hours - to adjust this functionality to your needs. Endorsements days to expire can also be marked here.

Crew currency feature will work properly only when Journey Logs are being added to Leon and the field 'Pilot Flying' has been filled in with pilot/pilots codes. In case where FO did take off and CPT did landing (or vice versa), you should add crew codes in a field 'Pilot Flying' as FO/CPT or CPT/FO

Crew Currency special rules

It is possible to set up the Crew Currency Special Rules.

Crew Currency Special Rules configuration

The 'Crew Currency Special Rules' allow tracing the Crew Currency depending on:

  • Crew licence - this is the 'Licence type' assigned to the Crew in the User profile > 'RATINGS' tab
  • Flight AOC - AOC assigned to the flight in the OPS views. The AOC assigned in the Full User Profile > 'Ratings' tab > 'Additional Settings' doesn't apply to this functionality

The 'Crew Currency Special Rules' can be set up by clicking on the toggle icon available by the activated crew currency and selecting specific settings in the 'Special Rules' pop-up window. By default, the 'ALL' setting is selected for both 'AOC' and 'Licence'. Unticking the 'ALL' options allows selecting the specific AOCs and licences.

When hovering the mouse over the dot, the Crew Calendar and Timeline views will only include the applicable currencies based on the 'Crew licence' and 'Allowed AOC' selected in the Full User Profile > 'Ratings' tab.


Below there are 2 examples of how the functionality works.

The '90 days currency (3 take-offs and landings)' is subject to the below conditions:

  • Crew licence - valid only for crew on EASA licence
  • Flight AOC - valid only on the flights performed under the EASA AOC rules


The following conditions apply to the flight and the crew:

  • Crew licences:
    • DEL - EASA
    • ANT - CPL
  • Flight AOC - EASA
Example 1

As per the screenshot on the right-hand side the following applied concerning the '90 days currency (3 take-offs and landings)':

  • DEL - the currency is traced on this flight since both 'Crew licence' (EASA) and 'Flight AOC' (EASA) match the requirement of the currency
  • ANT - the currency is not traced on this flight since one of the requirements is not met - 'Crew licence' is set to 'CPL' and does not match the licence required for this currency


The following conditions apply to the flight and the crew:

  • Crew licences:
    • DEL - EASA
    • ANT - CPL
  • Flight AOC - MAN NCC
Example 2

As per the screenshot on the right-hand side the following applied concerning the '90 days currency (3 take-offs and landings)':

  • DEL - the currency is not traced on this flight since one of the requirements is not met - 'Flight AOC' is set to 'MAN NCC' and does not match the flight AOC required for this currency
  • ANT - the currency is not traced on this flight since both of the requirements are not met - 'Crew licence' is set to 'CPL' and the 'Flight AOC' is set to 'MAN NCC' and neither matches the flight AOC or the licence required for this currency

Crew Currency in Crew Calendar

Crew Currency displayed in Crew Duties roster

In a section Crew > Duties in the filter, mark a checkbox Show dot - Leon will show the number of days left to expire for a particular currency if you hover the mouse over the status-dot next to the crew name.

If you have SIM duties defined by yourself in a section Duties Setup then Leon will calculate it as: 1 SIM duty = 1 landing. If you add 'Simulator' duty from the bottom of the duties list - it will show in a section OPS and you will be able to specify how many landing a pilot has done during 1 SIM session.

The crew currency records are also displayed on the crew tooltips in a section OPS (Table view). You can also check a report Crew Currency for a better view on who's currency expires and when.

Leon DOES NOT calculate crew currency for Freelancers crew (if a checkbox 'Freelancer' is marked in crew full profile)

leon/crew-currency.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/02 07:57 by rafal