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Including aircraft in the Eurocontrol tracking

'Eurocontrol tracking' settings

Eurocontrol tracking is the new setting that allows including/excluding the aircraft in the Eurocontrol integration.

This setting is located in the Admin Panel > Fleet > 'OPS' tab in the edited aircraft details.

In the FLIGHT WATCH / MVT in the 'OPS' tab the following options are available:

  • No Tracking - aircraft excluded for the Eurocontrol integration
  • Tracking - aircraft included in the Eurocontrol integration. Full Flight Watch received
  • Tracking (CTOT only) - aircraft included in the Eurocontrol integration. Only CTOT received from the Eurocontrol

If the integration with Eurocontrol is active, the Eurocontrol tracking is set to the 'Tracking' option by default.

updates/fleet-option-to-include-aircraft-in-the-eurocontrol-tracking.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:07 (external edit)